2223 0 00:20 App 推荐VRC中环境很好的群组! 4.3万 2 00:46 App Unity VRChat 黑巧雪糕 1.5万 105 00:46 App VRCHAT有中文了!Quest/PICO都支持!开启公测教程 6598 0 01:41 App 正式发售! Contractors Showdown包工头:大逃杀VR可以玩了!| 官方预告片 ...
9.VCC回到Projects,Manage Project,找到VRM Converter for VRChat,Installed Vision选择40.1.0,会提示需要降级SDK,点comfirm 10.更改VRChat Package Resolver Tool至0.1.24,并更改SDK Avatar至3.4.0,这样SDK Base和Avatar都会变成3.4.0,且不会有严重报错 11.打开该Unity工程,初次打开可能会比较慢,且有各种安全警告、...
EasyQuestSwitch is a Unity editor tool developed for VRChat world creators, it can automate changes to components within a scene as soon as the build platform is changed from PC to Android (for Oculus Quest) or vice versa. Adding a new localization It is possible to create your own localiza...
Everything here was built by the community using the VRChat SDK. Combined with Unity and Udon, our in-house scripting language, we give our users as much power as possible to build whatever their imaginations can conjure up. But creation isn’t just limited to worlds. VRChat provides a leve...
Played with Quest 2 via ALVR. Basically flawless. 4 months ago Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: GE-Proton9-16 ► Multiplayer Overall (online):Excellent Custom Proton: GE-Proton9-16 Distro:EndeavourOS Linux Kernel:6.11.5-arch1-1 RAM:16 GB GPU Driver:NVIDIA 560.35.03 GPU:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070...
Make Your Game Run on Quest (GDC) - Tips on getting the most out of the Quest hardware VRCQuestTools - Convert Avatar for Quest Polytool for Unity - Helps with optimizing avatars within Unity Worlds Creating Your First World - Official documentation and fastest quick start method Home Kit gu...
(VCC)VRChat SDK:Base &Avatar 3.4.0 (VCC)VRM Converter for VRChat:40.1.0 以上是经本人测试后无严重报错且较为稳定的版本 其他未提及的关联插件按VCC提示安装即可 基础流程 1.在Unity官网下载Unity编辑器,语言要切成英文才能下载到f1版本(实在有困难就中文,不影响上传,版本号为2019.4.31.f1c1) ...