点击Account Link,在右侧输入刚刚复制的合并密钥,Ctrl+V粘贴即可 最后点下面的Merge Accounts就完成了 四、VR推荐 当你足够了解这个游戏,并且确认自己能够玩下去之后,你就可以考虑买VR了(不推荐新手直接买VR,容易吃灰) 那么如何选择一款适合自己的VR设备呢? 1.VR介绍 首先给不懂的介绍一下VR这方面 VR分为一体机...
You may also access certain features of the Platform using your login credentials for third-party accounts, such as your account with Steam, Facebook/Oculus, or HTC/Viveport (each a “Third-Party Account”). The Platform may offer functionality allowing you to merge your User Account with a...
如题,萌新会遇到的一些问题,随缘更新 1.玩游戏首先要能打开游戏,打不开不外乎配置和环境问题,当你...
Click Link accounts. From this menu you can link your VRChat account. Simply click Link next to VRChat and follow the on-screen instructions to log in to your VRChat account. 5 Download the MakeAvatar app. You'll need the MakeAvatar app on your smartphone to make your avatar. MakeAvatar...
Select Generate to create a merge token.=选择生成以创建合并令牌。Copy it to your clipboard.You ...