VRChat报错:"Make sure your device has a working internet connection, and restart VRChat."Unity报错:"Could not fetch fresh config file. Using cached if available. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEn 视频播放量 23561、弹幕量 0、点赞数 120、投硬币枚
视频地址: VRChat连不上/Unity报错可能的原因(Make sure your device/Could not fetch fresh config file) 隱匿_ 粉丝:6文章:2 关注视频所讲的只是登不了游戏的诸多原因之一哈。 正常人的hosts文件其实不大可能会有vrchat相关内容,自己捣鼓过或者开了不正常的加速器才会有。 所以你看了hosts发现没有vrc相关内容的...
我也是 我的进去就显示make sure your device has a working internet connection and restart VRChat 而且网没问题 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-02-20 04:01 收起回复 桃园奈奈兔 核心会员 7 我也是,后来改steam秒进,而且发现还是我oc的人物。然后我绑了vrchat账号 来自iPhone客户端3楼2022-02-20 10:07 回复 ...
#vrchat# 分享4赞 vrchat吧 JO是因为JO 求助:quest2打开vrc现在一进vrc就出这段话make sure your device has a working internet connection . 主要之前串流网络都是正常的 前几天还正常玩 是和steam串流的 坐等大佬解惑 分享82 vrchat吧 Azutta 我是新人,我想问一下如果要入手全身vr设备怎么选预算最好两千...
The process is simple. Once you have ensured that your device meets all the necessary requirements, you can begin the installation process. VRChat is a sizeable game, so make sure your device has ample storage space. Follow instructions carefully for proper installation. ...
When you launch VRChat, the Anti-Cheat Measures may monitor your gameplay and device’s RAM, processes, communications, and file storage for purposes of detecting violations of, and enforcing, this TOS, including but not limited to the use of “modified clients” (“Mods”) to participate in...
Additionally, be sure to check out the things you need to look out for before making your purchase. These include the display resolution, comfort, audio, and field of view. Making these considerations will ensure that you get the best headset for your budget. ...
现在一进vrc就出这段话make sure your device has a working internet connection . 主要之前串流网络都是正常的前几天还正常玩是和steam串流的 坐等大佬解惑 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-07-22 19:02回复 路过的+3人 铁杆会员 9 之前可以不代表一直可以,偶尔网络可能就抽风了,当然也许是我孤陋寡闻...
科学路由器开了,quest2串流电脑steam玩vrc,进去就显示make sure your device has a working internet,这是咋回事,是要科学路由器设置一下节点吗送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-07-23 23:26回复 提米timi1502 铁杆会员 9 串流玩不需要开梯子 来自Android客户端2楼2022-07-24 00:00 回复 ...
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