第一个就是它增加了非常多的交互,比如说眼动追踪eye-tracking ,然后是面部捕捉face-tracking ,然后它手柄上还有传感器,可以捕捉到双腿的动作。从这里,你可以看出Meta的很多战略其实是非常优秀的。它知道什么叫试错,它在试face-tracking,eye-tracking和body-tracking——本质上它在获取空间中更多的三维信息。至于这些信...
WCFaceTrackingModule.cs websocket-sharp.dll This module has been archived For desktop mode face tracking, please defer to the following: iPhone - VRCFaceTracking LiveLink Android - VRCFaceTracking MeowFace NoVRCFT Screen mode eye and face tracking for VRChat. This will work with avatars already...
Body Tracknig on Meta Quest in VRChat with iPhone and Android Calibration for body tracking of Kinect 360/One with my VR Setup (Oculus, Vive, Index, etc). Head and Hand tracking, Controller emulation (tVR) - play Virtual Reality games on Monitor or TV ...
但实际上,乔布斯在iPhone一代发布会长达50多分钟的演讲中,在最后介绍 iPhone 时他反复说了一句话——他说这是一台三合一的设备:an iPod, a phone, and an internet communicator, 三合一,然后不断地播放“三个合成一个”的轮转动画。其实我们今天用到的智能手机已经不是三合一了,至少有六合一、七合一、八合一...