How secure is this? Caveats of this System For a user to see your avatar properly in VRChat, they must have your avatar fully shown. Shaders, animations and all. So this system is only ideal for avatars you use in worlds where most people are your friends. This synchronizes the key wi...
AntiRip (Kanna Protecc) - Free and insanely strong VRChat Anti Rip. Let us rid of rippers, together. Topics avatar protection unity avatars vrchat kanna protect anti-rip vrcsdk3-avatar antirip protecc Resources Readme License Unknown, Unknown licenses found Activity...
The mods they are probably after are the ones that allow end users to rip other players avatars. This has been such a huge problem that, you can almost guarantee that if your model is not a stock model VRChat came with, and...
Plus, there are mods that actually prevent crashing caused by people who use avatars that are made with the intent of crashing clients. This update will cause more people to run into problems. I'm cancelling my VRC+ subscription. I get why they're doing ...