Height:Your VR headset is the point of reference VRChat uses for the position of your head, but you need to tell VRChat how tall you are. Go theSettingsmenu and adjust yourHeightso that your feet don’t sink into the floor. (You might get better results with a measurement that is diff...
Height:Your VR headset is the point of reference VRChat uses for the position of your head, but you need to tell VRChat how tall you are. Go theSettingsmenu and adjust yourHeightso that your feet don’t sink into the floor. (You might get better results with a measurement that is diff...
To do that, openQuick Menu, point towards that player, hit the trigger button on your VR device, and then select Friend. You can also receive invitation requests as well. Visiting other worlds As you will enter VRChat, you will find yourself in the Hub, a central place for all new play...
There's the possibility that you haveloggingdisabled. You can enable it by opening your Quick Menu, go to settings, scroll all the way down and turn loggingon. Show Image Why is the .exe so big? >100MB The exe is bundled with the .NET runtime that it's required to run the program...
2. Open the Avatar Menu via your Main Menu. ## Previewing an Impostor Once you've got your impostor generated, you're probably going to be pretty excited to see how it looks! Well, no worries, we've got you covered! 3. Click the avatar that you generated an impostor for. Once you...
Today we’re taking the next step toward our vision for a more open computing platform for the metaverse. We’re opening up the operating system powering our Meta Quest devices to third-party hardware makers, giving more choice to consumers and a larger ecosystem for developers to build for....
Next we'll want to check that everything is good in the build window, to do that you'll need to open `VRChat SDK > Show Control Panel > Builder`, within you should see the avatars gameobject mentioned with a Build & Publish button below it. In between you will see a polygon count,...
Enable OSC. For VRChat you can find this in the Action Menu (Options > OSC > Enabled) Open the XSOverlay keyboard Press the message icon on the right hand side of the keyboard, under the lock button Congrats! Type away Optionally, open XSOverlay's settings (Settings > KeyboardOSC) and ...
Hide a specific avatar, no matter who uses it (requires UI Expansion Kit, button in in user quick menu) Hide portals from blocked users or non-friends That blocked user will no longer be able to portal drop you This mod will introduce small lag spikes when avatars are loaded. These ...
You can enable it by opening your Quick Menu, go to settings, scroll all the way down and turn logging on. Show Image Why is the .exe so big? >100MB The exe is bundled with the .NET runtime that it's required to run the program. Using a command line argument for dotnet ...