Friends+ Home Allows changing instance type of your home world to whatever you want. Setting it to public will choose a random populated public instance if one is available. UI Expansion Kit 0.2.0 or newer recommended for in-game settings. ...
Creating Your First World - Official documentation and fastest quick start method Home Kit guide - Official video and project files for customizing your Home Kit Community Guide: World Creation - Basic to advanced guides on making worlds in VRChat Room tutorial - Extensive guide on building a room... (no guarantees that I'll keep it up to date though) General Usage The various things are provided as Unity packages. To use them, download the '.unitypackage' file, drag it into the Unity editor wind...
Music Player | Booth商品展示 | Audio Link | UdonSharp |VRChat World | SDK3 02:03 与UdonExpressionMenu联动 01:01 Udon Expression Menu | Booth商品展示 | UdonSharp | VRChat World | SDK3 1272播放 【Unity3D】 教你如何做一个第一人称视角的角色移动 15.3万播放 如何把三玖老婆养在桌面上! 16.2万...
The latest version of the arcade machine can be tested here : Installation Before importing this asset, make sure you have imported The latest version of VRCSDK3 UdonSharp TextMeshPro Installation steps : If you have...
History 251 Commits .github Basics Games Toys If you use a script from this github: please link back to this github in your world so it can potentially help others. Thank you. This repository is not associated with VRChat Inc in any way. ...
Allows changing instance type of your home world to whatever you want. Setting it to public will choose a random populated public instance if one is available. UI Expansion Kit 0.2.0 or newer recommended for in-game settings. Known instance types are Public, FriendOfGuests, FriendsOnly, Invite...