Kisaragi (Working Chainsaw, Gestures, Eye Tracking, Lip Sync) 128 14.3K 346.7K Zero Two (Lip Sync, Eye Tracking, 5 Custom Gestures) 156 13.8K 341.7K Fur shader my dudes 87 13.2K 316.6K ^Cute Circle Glasse’s w/No Lense’s^
If you ignore this warning, your avatar will not be able to crouch, and it's feet will not automatically step (unless you use controller locomotion).\n\nIt will also prevent custom animation overrides on hand gestures from being played back. (This is **not** currently mentioned by the ...
♡♡ This avatar is part of a collab! Please check out the other two adorable aliens by these talented creators ♡♡➳ Nyan by Crozzie➳ NyRA by EvangelineNSFW AVATAR15% discount to the first 5 customers! Use the code "snailspace"Something br