7月25日,VRChat发布了一则安全更新的公告。为了解决恶意客户端带来的问题,其宣布增加了Easy Anti-Cheat(EAC)反作弊系统,并禁用全部Mod,使用Mod客户端的用户将无法登陆进游戏服务器。 据了解,VRChat是一款非常流行的虚拟现实多人游戏,有着活跃的Mod社区,其中最流行的 Mod客户端是emmVRC。有部分通过Discord等...
1、从以下链接下载更新的服务:EasyAntiCheat.exe。2、将下载的 EasyAntiCheat.exe 复制到:“C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat\”(或“C:\Program Files\EasyAntiCheat\”)替换现有的可执行文件。3、正常启动游戏。———文件晚一些会上传到百度网盘并发在这一层的楼中楼。如果你打开路径的时候,发现里面已经...
But the tl;dr is that they are implementing Easy Anti-Cheat tomorrow, are no longer allowing modded clients to be used, and they might eventually add some of the legitimate features people use. They say some of them have been planned for years(!). I'm ...
在steam里启动不论是vr模式还是非vr模式都会打不开,就是在按了开始游戏后不是那个按键会变成蓝色嘛,我那个变成蓝色后过段时间会自动变回开始游戏四个字 来自Android客户端6楼2023-08-23 18:30 回复 xishensoft Poor 6 打开easyanticheat那个文件夹后不是有一个叫EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup的文件吗,我打开那个...
anti-cheat and fraud prevention technologies (collectively, the “Anti-Cheat Measures”) to help us identify and prevent malicious activity. The Anti-Cheat Measures technologies may be developed by VRChat or a third party. One such service we use is Easy Anti-Cheat (“EAC”) from Epic Games,...
Fighting against a commercial anti-cheat is not something I want to spend my time on, goes against the spirit of wholesome modding, and risks bans for people who would choose to use a "bypass". This means that this repository will not see any further development. It will soon be archived...
Despite the name, VRChat is not a VR-only space and it's incredibly popular. Recently though, they added in Easy Anti-Cheat and the community is currently very unhappy with it.
Despite the name, VRChat is not a VR-only space and it's incredibly popular. Recently though, they added in Easy Anti-Cheat and the community is currently very unhappy with it.
The developers of VrChat, Are introducing Epic game's Easy Anti-Cheat in hopes to solve the issue of user harassment, account theft and malicious attacks caused by modded clients. Since the announcement the steam page has been badly r...
Fighting against a commercial anti-cheat is not something I want to spend my time on, goes against the spirit of wholesome modding, and risks bans for people who would choose to use a "bypass". This means that this repository will not see any further development. It will soon be archived...