Somethingis not working in the world Always playtest in the Unity editor using client sim! Check in the console for any errors Note that there should only be a single error regarding an AudioListener, which is expected and by design
dependencies with poetry### Do steps 2 and 3 below and (*) ###cdsrc ./ controllers for discovery#Modify config${EDITOR:-nano}config.ini (*) you may need to trypoetry add hidandpoetry add hidapito find a working one (remove the other one). 2. hid_nintendo...
I always started new users with a couple of introductory VR programs, where they did not have to use the hand controllers. One of them which I can recommend highly is the excellentIntroduction to Virtual Realityby Felix & Paul Studios*, which consists...
“platform and technical restrictions,” but support could very well be expanded at some point in the future.“This isn’t just the ability to use your real hands via the Quest’s powerful finger tracking, it also means you don’t have to use your controllers at all in VRChat,” the ...
Hand angles/offsets (found in VRChat Settings menu -> left blue panel -> More IKTweaks -> Adjust hand angles/offsets) - you can configure how avatar hands are positioned relative to controllers. Defaults were tuned for Index controllers, but should be applicable to most other controllers too...
We only support the use of Animation Controllers in Playable Layer slots. Do not use any other type of controller-- you will run into errors or will be unable to upload the content.", "title": "Only Use Animation Controllers ::: What do these Playable Layers do? Here's the short vers...
The final option are the controllers and this is what I went with. The offset between the position of the controller and the(Right|Left)Handbones is not completely static either, but from all available options it is by far the best one. Using a controller also comes with the advantage tha...