Sends text as OSC messages to VRChat to display on avatar. (STTTS) (Speech to TTS) (VRC STT System) (VTuber TTS) spotify text-to-speech osc discord voice tts speech-recognition free heart-rate speech-to-text chatbox stt vrchat vtuber Updated Jan 19, 2025 C# bdunderscore / modular-...
ChatBox 显示:可以通过 VRChat 的 ChatBox 显示当前设备信息。 Terrors of Nowhere 游戏联动功能: 游戏内受到伤害会增加设备输出,游戏内死亡会触发死亡惩罚。 通过ToNSaveManager 的WebSocket API 监控游戏事件,需要在游玩 ToN 时运行这个存档软件,并打开设置中的 WebSocket API 服务器。 补充说明: 面板控制功能需要在...
Speech to Text to Speech. Song now playing. Sends text as OSC messages to VRChat to display on avatar. (STTTS) (Speech to TTS) (VRC STT System) (VTuber TTS) Topics spotifytext-to-speechoscdiscordvoicettsspeech-recognitionfreeheart-ratespeech-to-textchatboxsttvrchatvtuber ...
VRCOSC's powerful ChatBox design system allows you to display what you want, when you want, how you want. Check out the ChatBox-Config forum channel of ourDiscord Serverto see some of the configs people have created or you can make your own by followingthe docs! The ChatBox uses acomm...
This app allows you to send OSC messages of your heart rate using your smartwatch/fitness tracker to your VRChat Avatar/Chatbox. Basically you have 3 parameters to play with: Heartrate sends float value from -1 to 1 (0-255bpm) (Use this when you need to display bpm counter) Heartrate...
ChatBox 显示:可以通过 VRChat 的 ChatBox 显示当前设备信息。 Terrors of Nowhere 游戏联动功能: 游戏内受到伤害会增加设备输出,游戏内死亡会触发死亡惩罚。 通过ToNSaveManager 的WebSocket API 监控游戏事件,需要在游玩 ToN 时运行这个存档软件,并打开设置中的 WebSocket API 服务器。 补充说明: 面板控制功能需要在...