如果禁用路径追踪,并且 GPU 有足够的 VRAM,《夺宝奇兵》的系统要求就没有那么高了。在 1080p 下RTX 4050或RTX 4060 笔记本电脑可以在高设置下运行游戏,达到略低于 60 FPS 的速度。Radeon RX 7600SRadeon RX 7600S尽管与两款 RTX 显卡一样拥有 8GB VRAM,但其性能却远超我们的预期。 Indiana Jones and the G...
Also if the rumors about rtx 4050 only comes with 6 gb vram. Nvidia really has to think twice about it. Posted on Apr 16th 2023, 22:06 #2 3x0 TomgangNvidia really has to think twice about it.They can't hear us over the pockets full of money. Posted on Apr 16th 2023, 22...
Nvidia's choice of interface on the RTX 2000 Ada Generation is interesting, though. The RTX 2000 Ada Generation features a PCIe 4.0 x8 interface. In comparison, the RTX A2000 and the RTX 4000 SFF Ada Generation tap the PCIe 4.0 x16 inter...
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