其中在5月22日星期二发表的题为“Reactive Displays:Relock Displays:Unlocking Next-Generation VR / AR Visuals with Eye Tracking”的演讲中,将探讨“响应式显示”的概念,以及其在推动下一代AR和VR头显的视觉效果进步方面,可以发挥的作用。
然而,巨大的好处背后往往是不为人知的风险。其中一个风险是在虚拟现实环境中集成视觉追踪(eye-tracking)技术。虽然视觉追踪有望通过生物识别验证改善用户体验并提高安全性,但它也引发了隐私问题。这项技术虽然方便,但也存在被网络罪犯滥用的可能性。例如,罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)最近的一篇论文指出,黑客可以...
参考文献 [1] Clay, V., König, P., König, S. (2019). Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12, (1):3 [2] Eggleston, R., Janson, W. P., & Aldrich, K. A. (1996). Virtual reality system effects on size-distance judgements in a virtual environ...
参考文献 [1] Clay, V., König, P., König, S. (2019). Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12, (1):3 [2] Eggleston, R., Janson, W. P., & Aldrich, K. A. (1996). Virtual reality system effects on size-distance judgements in a virtual environ...
All eye tracking data is freely accessible in open formats. Gaze-based interaction Gaze-based interaction is a breeze to implement with Neon XR! Especially if you make use of the MRTK3 integration. In this demo the user is looking at an object in the environment and using a pinch gesture ...
[7] Zou, Z., Ergan, S. (2019). A Framework towards Quantifying Human Restorativeness in Virtual Built Environments. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA). https://imotions.com/blog/vr-eye-tracking/ 眼动追踪与VR QQ交流群:941473018 更多分享,请关注公众号...
针对这个问题,Meta在名为“Multi-element prescription lenses with eye-tracking”的专利申请中提出了一种多晶/多重处方镜片。同时,这种作为校正镜片/透镜的镜片/透镜可以包含眼动追踪组件。 在一个实施例中,光学系统可以包括在选择性透射界面耦合在一起的至少两个透镜,并且结合的透镜可以形成双透镜。选择性透射界面可...
Oculus研发部的计算成像总监Douglas Lanman计划在5月举行的SID DisplayWeek上,发表主题为“Reactive Displays:Relock Displays:Unlocking Next-Generation VR/AR Visuals with Eye Tracking”的演讲,探讨反应性显示的概念,以及如何在AR和VR中实现实现次世代级别的视觉效果。
rendering on PS VR2 can bring a massive reduction in GPU usage while producing the same perceptual quality – and, combined with eye tracking technology, the performance gains are even better...We’ve also seen gains up to 3.6x faster when foveated rendering is combined with eye tracking." ...
Compatible with Varjo VR-3, XR-3 The VIVE Pro Eye Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality training solutions are beneficial when the hands-on experience is either too dangerous or too expensive. Our metrics provide efficient and effective insights to help you determine when a trainee is ready...