Just curious if there are any updates on the state of intel graphics driver support for VR hardware. It's been documented so far that SteamVR is not supported, and SteamVR will show an error when HMDs such as the Valve Index are connected to an Arc A770 card. At least t...
EVGA has launched their latest GeForce GTX 980 Ti VR edition graphics cards which are aimed at users who will be running the next generation VR experiences. EVGA had previously showcased their VR edition cards back at CES 2016 and are now formally launched in the market. The cards will be b...
I can't do this anymore... I'm giving up on my 6900XT and AMD graphics cards.This machine is a full time photo editor and I had to update my graphics drivers due to random export errors with Capture One. I was forced to update to the latest drivers for Capture One.VR is broken ...
Unsurpassed resolution New gesture-based user experience Taking full advantage of powerful graphics cards, the Steam edition of Blueplanet VR supports a wide range of VR headsets, offering the same extensive collection of amazing experiences as the Meta edition, at potentially higher resolution and fra...
Supported VR runtimes: Oculus OpenVR Supported graphics APIs: Direct3D 11 Installation Extractdxgi.dllandvrperfkit.ymlnext to the game's main executable. For Unreal Engine games, this is typically<Game>Game\Binaries\Win64\<Game>Game-Win64-Shipping.exe. ...
在线看Games, graphics cards and VR: PC gaming stays.. 30分钟 6秒。2015 6月 22的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 10 — 已浏览。
小裴: 把你的显卡型号加入raytracer_SUpported_cards.txt文件c:\Programfiles\Adobe\AdobeAfterEffectsCC\SUpportfiles这个路径下面.显存1g以上就可以支持了。 Wengxiu邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (2) VRay 3.40.01 For 3DMax2016 VRay RT使用GPU渲染问题 共1条回答 > 笑笑: 当前VRay渲染器问题,换个版本重新安装...
These come in either USB or PCIe models; the latter is usually best for signal strength and range, but make sure you have a spare PCIe slot on your motherboard to accommodate it (most boards will) and that your graphics card doesn't cover that extra slot (if it's a huge GPU with ...
第二步,AdobePRemiereProCC安装路径,找到:cuda_SUpported_cards.txt文件打开,填写刚刚记录的型号。第三步,找到:gpusniffer.exe,双击打开。第四步,打开:AdobePRemiereProCC,项目设置-常规-视频渲染和回放。第五步,开启了水银引擎gpu加速,在“效果”面板中会看见,CC新增加的三个图标都被点亮了。 毐邀请你来回答 ...
Then, select either “Plasma (X11)” or “Plasma (Wayland)” with the cog icon on the login screen.In general, we recommend using Plasma Wayland on an Arch-based distribution to have access to the latest graphics drivers and other components needed for the best experience....