Google VR SDK for Android Enables Daydream and Cardboard app development on Android. Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc. See theGoogle APIs Terms of Servicewhich cover this SDK. The code insamplesis covered by the Apache 2LICENSEfile in that directory, and...
兼容性:虽然目前大部分的VR SDK都是基于unity3d的,而且附加库都是依据Android,所以大多只兼容Android平台。 稳定性:主要是指头控算法的稳定性。陀螺仪控制算法要准确模拟人的头动,该停就停,该动就动。 低延迟,高帧率:都说VR头盔或者眼镜戴上头会比较晕,跟帧率以及延迟有关。确实有一定的关系,所以,低延迟和高...
Before starting with the NDK build, familiarize yourself with the HelloVR app and its SDK-based build process outlined in the linked documentation. Key differences for NDK builds include downloading the Android NDK, extracting `.so` files with a Gradle command, and enabling the 'ndk-hellovr' ...
import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { ...
The Video360 sample app is included in the Google VR SDK for Android. If you have not yet downloaded the SDK, seeGetting Startedto set up and start navigating the SDK in Android Studio. Video360 is more complex than theVrPanoramaViewandVrVideoViewVR Viewbased sample apps also included in ...
下载地址: 1)Android SDK 版本号 V1.2.2419 大小197 MB 更新时间 2016-04-29 更新说明: 1.修改支付流程,增加了用户验证和服务端安全验证环节; 2.修复部分BUG/性能优化 2.1 为统一命名规范,修改了虚拟货币查询与支付的接口; ...
an.apkfile in the{sdk-root-folder}\Sample\Android\OculusVR\app\build\outputs\apk\debugdirectory that can be used to debug or be installed manually. You can also automatically generate a debug-signed.apkby directly running from within Android Studio. SeeRunning the Oculus VR Clientfor more ...
HUAWEI VR SDK for Unity(以下简称HVR SDK),是为华为VR眼镜开发者用户提供的SDK平台。 开发者通过Unity平台,集成HVR SDK,可快速搭建基于华为VR眼镜和华为手机的VR场景平台,开发应用及游戏。 您将建立什么 在这个Codelab中,您将使用hvrsdk-xxx.unitypackage实现简单的VR应用开发。
Google VR SDK for Android Enables Daydream and Cardboard app development on Android. Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc. See theGoogle APIs Terms of Servicewhich cover this SDK. The code insamplesis covered by the Apache 2LICENSEfile in that directory, and...