SteamVR Performance Test is made in theSource 2game engine and has assets imported fromSource'sPortal 2. The test currently only runs onMicrosoft Windows. See also SteamVR Performance Test on Steam Categories: Delisted games SteamVR Source 2 games...
注意: SteamVR Performance Test 已在 Steam 停售。 关注焦点 关于这款软件 SteamVR 性能测试将通过一段 2 分钟由 Valve 所制作的 《光圈科技机器人维修 VR 展示》来评估您计算机的渲染力。在收集相关数据后,它将判断您所使用的系统能否维持在 90 fps 的帧率运作以及 VR 内容的视觉保真能否够校调至推荐的水...
SteamVR Performance Test 评估您当前的系统是否达到运行 VR 的水平标准;若未达标准,判断性能限制来自于显卡、处理器或两者皆有。 全部评测: 多半好评(5,413) 发行日期: 2016 年 2 月 22 日 开发商: Valve 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 虚拟现实标杆测试软件实用工具免费开玩...
SteamVR Performance Test 论坛 这是一个社区论坛而非官方的技术支持。 - 如果您需要官方支持:请 联系我们 Search 以下评论皆归发布者所有,我们不对此负任何责任。 添加话题 话题发布者最后发帖时间帖子 CrossOver 论坛:讨论 Mac 和 Linux 上运行 Windows 应用程序相关的话题的地方 ...
Performance:Slight Performance Problems Freezing when streaming new objects in the test space Proton 7.0-4 Distro:SteamOS Holo Kernel:5.13.0-valve10.1-1-neptune-02144-g7fffaf925dfb RAM:15 GB GPU Driver:4.6 Mesa 22.0.0-devel (git-676ccacebc) GPU:AMD Custom GPU 0405 (vangogh, LLVM 13.0.0...
根据Facebook的官方建议,PC上使用VR设备,至少需要i5以上CPU与8GB内存,并配备GTX 970级别的显卡,一时之间形成了“i5+970”就是VR的最低标准。不过,随着3D Mark和Steam等公司放出针对性的VR的测试程序,我们通过测试可以了解到自己的PC究竟能否满足VR的时代。今天,PConline评测室则通过在Steam VR Performance Test上尝...
ThePurple Roomis designed to run well for at least one loop on first-generation Daydream devices, but some phones will get hot when looping this test, and their performance may fall as the test runs. TheAmber Roomis a forward-looking test that represents next-generation mobile VR content. ...
Because currently we do not have a VR headset (to buy a number of expensive headsets from different manufacturers just to test this free application - quite an costly pleasure) and therefore we have not tested this application in real VR mode. So thisVR module presented to you as it is. ...
Test and Calibrate Head Mounted Devices with BUDDY Reduce motion sickness in your AR/VR/MR glasses with BUDDY’s help. BUDDY is a consistent performance testing and calibration measurement system for AR/VR/MR glasses. Learn about BUDDY Test System Customer References OptoFidelity collaborates with...
Very Good and Helpful site! CIS-VR Test Engine works great, i passed the CIS-VR exam smoothly. Thanks! Rory Mar 08, 2025 Using this I got hired at a great tech company of the city. Thanks a lot for high quality CIS-VR dump. ...