Forums›Game Hints and SettingsSteamVR error 108 HMD not found (tips) Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts Sep 18, 2021 at 10:51am#206342 RJK_ Participant This is not a VorpX issue but should help userson a fresh Windows 10 installto solve common errors like SteamVR crashes,...
求助,黑屏显示Hmd..前几天刚安装好的,打开我的世界vr1.12.2版本黑屏,显示Render setup failed: Hmd Not Found(108),这是怎么回事啊,用的是笔记本,配置i5-10300H,GTX1650
VR小百科: HTC Vive常见问题及解决方案 (Error 208) HMD display not found或(Error 208) HMD found over USB, but monitor not found/(错误 208)未找到头戴式设备或(错误 208)USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器 如果你碰到“未找到头戴式设备”或“USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器”,你可以尝试以下的...
求助,黑屏显示Hmd Not Found(108)前几天刚安装好的,打开我的世界vr1.12.2版本黑屏,显示Render setup failed: Hmd Not Found(108),这是怎么回事啊,用的是笔记本,配置i5-10300H,GTX1650 分享21 我的世界吧 fevegs 求助我的世界1.19.2 vr启动出现310错误正常安装后,启动出现310错误 分享8赞 ...
I launch SteamVR expected room setup to launch. The base stations, HMD, and controllers show that they are detected in the status popup (i.e., the green logos). The problem is that I get the popup error "SteamVR failed to initialized for unknown reasons. (Error: Hmd Not Found Presence...
Description of issue When running vrcmd and vrserver manually, the output indicates that the HMD is not being detected. vrcmd terminates with VR_Init failed with VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound Steps to reproduce the problem Plug in headset...
int SetHMDPoseLock(bool enable) 开启关闭姿态锁定。通常用于观看电影的情况,观看者在调整观看姿势前后,均调用该接口,分别开启、关闭姿态锁定,以保证观看的画面姿态不会发生变化。 参数 参数名称 参数类型 参数说明 enable bool true:开启姿态锁定;false:解除姿态锁定 返回值 调用函数成功返回0,失败返回-1。 int...
UE4打包到Pico之后如果点击运行时出现: Plugin'PicoXR'failed to load because module 'PicoXRHMD' could not be found.please ensure the plugin is properly installed,otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project. 首先在UE(这里统称UE4/5为UE)打包成APK之前,你需要按照Pico官方文档里的项目创建流程...
(Error 208) HMD display not found或(Error 208) HMD found over USB, but monitor not found/(错误 208)未找到头戴式设备或(错误 208)USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器 如果你碰到“未找到头戴式设备”或“USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器”,你可以尝试以下的解决方案: ...
Can someone explain what this error is for? How is it different to VRInitError_Init_HmdNotFound? I get this on OSX when I don't have a HMD plugged in. I've set requireHmd to false, but I don't think the steamvr runtime is respecting the ...