针对你遇到的错误 "[openvr] could not initialize openvr. error code: init_hmdnotfound",以下是一些可能的解决方案和检查步骤: 确认OpenVR SDK是否正确安装: 确保你已经正确安装了Steam和SteamVR插件,并且这些组件都是最新版本。 在Unity中,检查Package Manager中OpenVR SDK是否已安装且没有错误。 检查VR硬件...
XR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_Init_InstallationNotFound: "Installation Not Found (100)"!从unity商店里直接下载然后导入在2017版本里的,求大佬告诉下怎么改 11楼2019-08-13 19:29 回复 neji2 白丁 1 422怎么解决? 12楼2021-01-01 16:21 回复 jack...
VR小百科: HTC Vive常见问题及解决方案 (Error 208) HMD display not found或(Error 208) HMD found over USB, but monitor not found/(错误 208)未找到头戴式设备或(错误 208)USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器 如果你碰到“未找到头戴式设备”或“USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器”,你可以尝试以下的...
I launch SteamVR expected room setup to launch. The base stations, HMD, and controllers show that they are detected in the status popup (i.e., the green logos). The problem is that I get the popup error "SteamVR failed to initialized for unknown reasons. (Error: Hmd Not Found Presence...
(Error 208) HMD display not found或(Error 208) HMD found over USB, but monitor not found/(错误 208)未找到头戴式设备或(错误 208)USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器 如果你碰到“未找到头戴式设备”或“USB可以检测到头显,但未找到显示器”,你可以尝试以下的解决方案: ...
求助,黑屏显示Hmd..前几天刚安装好的,打开我的世界vr1.12.2版本黑屏,显示Render setup failed: Hmd Not Found(108),这是怎么回事啊,用的是笔记本,配置i5-10300H,GTX1650
When running in the editor, I get an OpenVR error: [OpenVR] Could not initialize OpenVR. Error code: Init_HmdNotFound UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Unity.XR.OpenVR.OpenVRLoader:Initialize () (at Library/PackageCache/com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr@411bd1ecffdc-1614121125000/Runtime/Op...
HmdError_Init_InterfaceNotFound (105) - VR_Init或VR_GetGenericInterface 请求的接口不存在,是使用的SDK版本比安装的runtime版本更新吗? HmdError_Init_InvalidInterface (106) - 错误码当前没有被使用 HmdError_Init_UserConfigDirectoryInvalid (107) - 路径注册表中的配置目录不可写 ...
求助,黑屏显示Hmd Not Found(108)前几天刚安装好的,打开我的世界vr1.12.2版本黑屏,显示Render setup failed: Hmd Not Found(108),这是怎么回事啊,用的是笔记本,配置i5-10300H,GTX1650 分享21 我的世界吧 fevegs 求助我的世界1.19.2 vr启动出现310错误正常安装后,启动出现310错误 分享8赞 ...
Desktop windows can not be accidentally moved to the HMD display. PSVR headsets do not physically power off the display by default, but they default to a “cinema mode” that interprets the incoming HDMI signal as a 2D surface in a rotationally tracked VR space. In a similar fashion,it ha...