我们可以手动切换手部模型的Shader——在Project窗口中,找到相应的手部模型比如默认的vr_glove_right_model_slim,双击将其打开,在Hierarchy窗口中找到名为vr_glove_right_slim子物体,在其Inspector窗口中将Shader转换为Universal Render Pipline/Lit即可,如下图所示: 但是Shader转换完毕后,上图中的Base Map中并没有颜色...
A hardware update to PlayStation VR is being prepared. The new version, model number CUH-ZVR2, features an updated design that enables the stereo headphone cables to be integrated with the VR headset and a slimmer, streamlined connection cable. There’s also an updated Processor Unit that sup...
La Cinta was the newest addition to the field, with team manager Di producing some magnificent shirts and J-Lo with his new polo glove. Rajiv had just returned from the Pepperoni polo clinic at SPP and he played the best defensive polo that anyone could have imagined. However, there was ...