支持VR: SteamVR. Standing, Sitting or Room Scale. Requires motion controllers. Supports all VR headsets that can run SteamVR games (e.g. Index, Quest, WMR, Vive, Pico, Pimax, HP Reverb). * 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。 更多...
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We are one of the first VR games to support Cilia by Haptic Sol one of the first VR smells devices. Adventure Climb features 4 scents from the Cilia Libary. Pick one up for your game here > Brave The Elements DLC Features 5 New routes: Ice, Lava, Desert, Skyscraper, and Space Station...
它在 Steam 上完全免费,但在 Meta上付费。 8: The Lab The Lab 由 Valve 开发,提供一系列迷你游戏,旨在向玩家介绍 VR 的可能性。 从用弓箭保卫城堡到探索机器狗的机械内脏,The Lab 通过其令人惊叹的视觉效果和互动体验展示了 VR 技术的潜力,而且它是免费的,这使其成为适合初学者的最佳免费 VR 游戏之一。
Every year at summer, Steam makes it a point to bring it’s prices down for a short period of time. Let’s check out 5 VR games which are currently on sale. It’s summertime once again so Steam is holding it’s yearly summer sale. As VR games are now part of Steam’s produc...
We are here to give you the best and latest free virtual pc game downloads with no hustle. You can easily get free VR games you want safe and easy.
VR版作为十周年献礼由原班人马开发,原定去年发售,延期原因是团队“需要更多时间将该作完全转化为VR”。Perp Games同样负责为本作发行PS VR2实体版。 GORN 2 开发商:Free Lives、Cortopia Studios发售时间:2025年内登陆平台:PS VR2、Quest、Steam “VR角斗士模拟器”《GORN》于2023年4月达成150万套的销量里程碑...
IT之家3 月 15 日消息,开发了解谜冒险游戏《The Room》(未上锁的房间)及其续作的 Fireproof Games 工作室,于昨日于 X 上宣布了其VR 悬疑游戏《Ghost Town》将于 4 月 24 日登陆 Meta Quest 平台,SteamVR 及 PSVR2 版本则将于今年晚些时候发布。
近日,Vaki Games 宣布其 VR Roguelike 射击游戏《Quantum Threshold》将于 5 月 22 日登陆 Meta Quest 及 SteamVR 平台,限时封闭测试版的注册将在部分平台稍晚时间开放。据悉,《Quantum Threshold》是一款由芬兰工作室 Vaki Games 打造的 VR Roguelike 射击游戏,注重可访问性,并开创性地将玩家的座椅转化为最为...
Browse, buy and play thousands of virtual reality games on Steam™. Discover multiplayer open worlds, survival horrors and stealth action games, plus sports sims, quirky puzzlers and free-to-play epics – explore Steam’s huge range of virtual reality games to expand your PlayStation VR2 expe...