支持VR: SteamVR. Standing, Sitting or Room Scale. Requires motion controllers. Supports all VR headsets that can run SteamVR games (e.g. Index, Quest, WMR, Vive, Pico, Pimax, HP Reverb). * 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。 更多...
Play several original minigames designed for VR. This free collection of minigames is designed specifically for VR from the start, and provides original games and experiments for people to try.
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北京时间3月12日凌晨,第二届VR Games Showcase召开网络直播,总时长约25分钟,共有22款VR游戏依次亮相,其中不乏首次公开的新作。 这个由资深媒体人Jamie Feltham和Zeena Al-Obaidi共同创办的活动已经变得更加成熟,成为VR游戏集中宣传的优秀平台,第三届VR Games Showcase预计于今年8月召开。以下是由VR陀螺带来的发布会...
It’s summertime once again so Steam is holding it’s yearly summer sale. As VR games are now part of Steam’s product line, it’s just natural that they be part of the sale. So, for those of you who have either an Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or are simply interested in VR games,...
Most Demanding Games of ALL Time Value GPUs of the Month (Feb 2025) Gigabyte Radeon RX 7600 XT Gaming OC (16GB) Gigabyte Radeon RX 7800 XT Gaming OC (16GB) ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 Dual V2 OC (12GB) Search the Site About Me (2025 Update) I'm an indie game developer currently deve...
Example game folder: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL 2 BIOHAZARD RE2 Supports both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12. Lua Scripting API & Plugin System (All games, check out theWiki) VR Generic 6DOF VR support for all games
In games without sharp contrast boundaries the stray light will be difficult to see. I have a question about my HTC Vive order / shipping / billing.Please visit HTC Vive Support for anything related to HTC Vive orders, shipping, and billing. Can I use my Oculus Rift with SteamVR?Yes, ...
近日,Vaki Games 宣布其 VR Roguelike 射击游戏《Quantum Threshold》将于 5 月 22 日登陆 Meta Quest 及 SteamVR 平台,限时封闭测试版的注册将在部分平台稍晚时间开放。据悉,《Quantum Threshold》是一款由芬兰工作室 Vaki Games 打造的 VR Roguelike 射击游戏,注重可访问性,并开创性地将玩家的座椅转化为最为...
知名解谜冒险游戏系列《The Room》的开发者Fireproof Games昨日宣布,其最新VR悬疑力作《Ghost Town》即将于4月24日率先登陆meta Quest平台。紧随其后,SteamVR及PSVR2版本的发布也已在今年的日程之中,预计稍晚些时候与玩家见面。 在《Ghost Town》中,玩家将扮演伊迪丝・彭罗斯,一位从女巫转变为幽灵猎手的角色。游戏...