Confront the evocative, elegantly brutal world of SUPERHOT VR. Enemies pouring into the room from all sides, dozens of bullets coursing through the air… Wait. Something feels different in here… The game will test your limits. It will bring pain – of the good kind. In the end you ...
Decisive winner of dozens of VR Game of the Year awards, SUPERHOT VR is a title reimagined and redesigned from the ground up for VR and hand tracking controllers. The fruit of over three years of focused trailblazing, SUPERHOT VR brings the visceral action of SUPERHOT directly into your head...
Commit yourself, body and mind. Confront the evocative, elegantly brutal world ofSUPERHOTVR. play trailer Enemies pouring into the room from all sides, dozens of bullets coursing through the air… Wait. Something feels different in here…
You move. Time moves. You stop. Time stops. SUPERHOT balances mayhem and strategy to deliver the definitive FPS for VR headsets.
— Try to complete the game without shooting. — Get hardcore with faster enemies and less reaction time. The game will test your limits. It will bring pain – of the good kind. In the end you will prevail. You will be one with the system. SUPERHOT made you ONE OF US. You are ind...
亦真亦幻,难以分辨。从肉体到灵魂,都要相信自己。迎接 SUPERHOT VR 那久违的、华丽而又残忍的世界吧。敌人,如潮水,四面八方涌入房间;子弹,几十枚,尖声呼啸穿过空气……等一下。这儿,好像有什么不同……
Decisive winner of dozens of VR Game of the Year awards, SUPERHOT VR is a title reimagined and redesigned from the ground up for VR and hand tracking controllers. The fruit of over three years of focused trailblazing, SUPERHOT VR brings the visceral action of SUPERHOT directly into your head...
《燥热(SUPERHOT)》是一款第一人称射击游戏,只有当你移动的时候时间才会流逝,创新的时间控制是其他游戏从未有过的,这次作品还加入了 VR 虚拟功能,令游戏体验过程更为真实。利用时间,优雅的攻击敌人。游戏有着极其强烈的风格。有限的子弹,无情的敌人,每一次攻击都变成致命难题。
SUPERHOT $24.99 SUPERHOT VR BUNDLE $39.99 Ratings SUPERHOT VR BUNDLE Global player ratings 4.19Average rating 4.19 stars out of five stars from 8536 ratings 8536 ratings 66% 14% 5% 2% 12% Game and Legal Info Designed with tens of thousands of hours of meticulous attention to detail and ruthle...
相关游戏:SuperHot VR steam链接:游戏官网:简介:SuperHot VR是一款VR动作游戏, VR ,专为虚拟现实、手势识别追踪手柄,重新构思,重新设计。亦真亦幻,难以分辨。从肉体到灵魂,都