In addition to solo play, players can also team up, talk with each other using realistic proximity voice chat, drive tanks and engage in large-scale battles on large urban and natural maps.The game offers easy access to features such as AI bots, offline mode, Practice range level, and ...
This is a Unity3d Chinese Chess VR Game.Based on PUN(Chat and Voice enabled). - cloudhu/ChineseChessVR
The watch can be toggled between inventory, chat and objectives with the ToggleWatchMode action. There is also a radial menu bind that allows you switch between all the modes freely and also allows you to type in chat. The inventory watch UI is as follows --- ...
VR Headset for PC We provide the best VR gaming set around. Whether you're looking for an immersive game experience or just a fun way to escape reality, we've got you covered. Plus, our top-of-the-line equipment guarantees a smooth, realistic gameplay....
比如说Walkman的背后是索尼,Game Boy的背后是任天堂,大哥大的背后是摩托罗拉。上述的每一个设备都证明了一点,人类对于移动设备这件事情的需求不是 2007 年才发生的,早在20世纪70年代PMF(Product Market Fit)就已经出现了。只不过在当时由于技术不够完善,所以我们在产品上做取舍,出现了不同种类的硬件设备。这些...
Voice chat improvements bySNMetamorphanda1batross Fixed an issue when voice chat sound would become completely distorted when multiple players spoke simultaneously. Also, some settings related to voice chat were added to the multiplayer settings menu. Voice chat button was added to touch configuration...
一款名为VR Chat的社交游戏,已经获得300万的下载量,且任何时刻都最少有7000用户正在使用。VR游戏Beat Saber更是在一年内就售出100万份,净赚2000万美元。与一年内获得600万美元收益的平面游戏《愤怒的小鸟》相比,用更少的资金投入撬动更大的收益。Steam、Oculus和PSVR这几大VR游戏平台中,已有超60个游戏的销售量...
近日,两位国外网友「Takato Matsuki」和「Colonel McKernel」制作了一款基于PC平台的VR版《最终幻想7:重制版》,该项目已经上线Steam VR Chat。在这个VR项目中,玩家可以探索克劳德的公寓、爱丽丝的房间、第七天堂和教堂等名场景。而且虽然这是一个VR项目,但是它并不要求玩家必须使用VR设备才能体验。就这建模还不如...
In addition to bringing you incredible VR gaming, we also offer devices, like Microsoft HoloLens, which delivers a "Mixed Reality" experience during which you'll see holographic images that appear to interact with the real world. It's a new way to game and connect with your environment. ...
从技术上讲,差别的确不大,都是涉及到设计思路的转变:Camera: 相机的行为控制很大程度上决定了晕不晕...