PSVR1 was full RGB pixels, which they heavily advertised. It did look better than the Rift despite it having slightly higher resolution or even than the GearVR with a 3K screen, and it had better FoV than the Rift as well. For PSVR2 the pentile isn’t that noticable anymore with the...
Easy setting game resolution: Game.SetDefaultSettings(width, height, fullscreen) and Game.OverrideDefaultSettings to set and save resolution of your game. Easy generating procedural meshes: StagedMeshDraw takes a list of verticies and indicies, no "buffer binding" or "GraphicsDevice" needed. Also...
controls.connect(); controls.update();//鼠标点击、全屏,这样在google cardboard里看起来效果更好element.addEventListener('click', fullscreen,false);//删除deviceorientation事件,因为已经定义了我们自己的DeviceOrientationControls对象window.removeEventListener('deviceorientation', setOrientationControls,true); }function...