Since the initial developer release, Opera has added some new features to the browser VPN. In this version, you can choose whether to turn VPN on for everything the browser shows, or only use it when browsing using private windows. Also, new virtual locations – Singapore and the Netherlands...
Opera Browser vs Opera Mini:你应该使用哪一个 3.隐藏的VPN设置 有些网站在我的国家被禁止。 测试VPN是否正常工作的最佳方法是尝试打开这些站点。 例如,。 嗯,它不起作用。 是的,真可惜。 您可以在地址栏旁边看到VPN消息,但该站点未加载。
Normally, your browser connects directly to websites, allowing websites to identify your IP address and approximate location. WithVPN, you connect to websites via aVPN(virtual private network) server. As a result, your apparent location changes to the location of the server. To enableVPN: ...
Opera, the alternative web browser, now includes a free VPN service, which is built directly into the web browser itself. The free VPN allows you to hide your IP address, access region restricted content or blocked content by bypassing a firewall or regional restraints, hide browsing activity ...
TeraVPN is the best free VPN app available for Windows, Linux, Andriod, and IOS. Tera VPN has free access to Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
Opera 版本: 86.0.4550.82358 類別: 通訊 更新: November 24, 2024 要求: Android Varies with device 內容等級 : Everyone 安裝: 100000000 下載APK Advertisement Opera 瀏覽器是 Android 裝置適用的網路瀏覽器,既快速又安全,具備新聞摘要、內建廣告阻擋功能和數據節省模式及 VPN。Opera 是特具使用者親和力的瀏覽器...
Superb 2-in-1 mobile browser Opera Free VPN is a suitable program for those that spend most of their time browsing the web on their mobile phone. Once you download it, you can use it immediately;no need to login,andno additional programs necessary. You not only get the fastest possible...
--- 鏈接: 隱私政策 - 服務條款 - 推特 - Reddit - Github - --- 此擴充功能相容於 Manifest V3 (MV3),並嚴格遵守所有 Web Store...
Opera's browser VPN has abysmal network performance. We can't recommend it even though it's completely free.
Opera瀏覽器內建的VPN功能是由Opera的子公司Surf Easy提供的,使用的是256位元AES加密連線,用戶的瀏覽資料不會留下任何記錄。也就是說,無論是Opera或是SurfEasy都不會儲存用戶在使用內建VPN功能時的瀏覽歷史。 如何使用電腦用Opera瀏覽器的內建VPN服務: