Sony(索尼) VPL-PHZ60 物理参数 亮度 6000 ANSI 流明 / 4500 流明 (Eco) 生产商 6000 流明 CLO 标准分辨率 1920x1200 屏幕比例 16:10 (WUXGA) 投影芯片 2 厘米 3LCD Chips 视频模式 720p, 1080i, 1080p/60, 1080p/24, 1080p/30, 1080p/50, 2160p/24, 576i, 576p, 480p, 480i 数据模式 最...
商品名称:机长适用于索尼投影机P520,P620过滤网PHZ60,PHZ5,VPL-C500XZ,防尘网 P520 过滤网 商品编号:10047935274193 店铺: 托马斯办公专营店 线长:20m以上 类别:投影包 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放...
Sony VPL-PHZ60 Projector (discontinued) 1920x1200 3LCD, 6,000 lumens, 1.60:1 zoom, 15.4 lbs Add to Compare List Projector Details The calculator is not supported by this browser (no iframe support).Share your comments and suggestions with us on the Projection Calculator Pro. Do not ask ...
Inside, the VPL-PHZ60's blue diode laser illumination engine creates a beam of light that goes through three dichroic mirrors to create streams of red, blue and green light. These are individually fed into the projector's three imaging panels before being combined and sent via its output len...
Sony VPL-PHZ60 Projector 6000 Lumens, 7.0 kg, 3LCD WUXGA Projector View Projector Details Time in Market ViewSonic LSC601WU ViewSonic LSC650WU ViewSonic LSC651WU ViewSonic LSC600WU ViewSonic LSC701-4K ViewSonic LSC700-4K Optoma ZU607T
Sony VPL-PHZ60 WUXGA (1920x1200), 6000 ANSI Lumens, 7.0 kg, Please only write a review if you have personal experience using the Epson Home Cinema 4010 projector. Name Email You can use either your real name or an alias, as you wish, which will appear with your review. Your ema...