索尼VPL-FW65投影仪是一个 WXGA会议室 投影仪. 这款基于灯泡的投影仪能够以最亮的设置显示6,300流明,本机分辨率为1280x800。 内部3LCD技术是一个创新的3芯片设计,通过提供充满活力,真实的图像与更好的颜色亮度和更广泛的色域。 独特的投影仪镜头具有被移位的能力,以允许在定位投影仪相对于屏幕更大的灵活性. ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现原装 索尼投影机VPL-FHZ70 VPL-FHZ700L VPL-FW60 VPL-FW65遥控器的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于原装 索尼投影机VPL-FHZ70 VPL-FHZ700L VPL-FW60 VPL-FW65遥控器的信息,请来
Sony VPL-FW65 WXGA (1280x800), 6300 ANSI Lumens, 12.7 kg, $5,800 (MSRP) Please only write a review if you have personal experience using the Epson Home Cinema 4010 projector. Name Email You can use either your real name or an alias, as you wish, which will appear with your ...
ProjectorCentral takes pride in bringing you the most knowledgable Sony VPL-FW65 projector experts with the best customer service. Shop our recommended Sony VPL-FW65 stores.
Sony VPL-FW65 Projector (discontinued) 1280x800 3LCD, 6,300 lumens, 2,000:1 contrast, 1.60:1 zoom, 28.0 lbs Add to Compare List Projector Details The calculator is not supported by this browser (no iframe support).Share your comments and suggestions with us on the Projection Calculator ...
Lamp ID:LMP-F370 The Sony VPL-FW65 Projector lamp is a replacement lamp for theSony VPL-FW65 Projector. It contains a 370W UHP bulb with 3,000 hours of normal life and 4,000 hours of lamp life in power saving mode. This lamp can also be used withthese projectors. ...
ProjectorCentral brings you the best Sony VPL-FW65 projector repair centers with the best customer service and turn around times. Visit our recommended Sony VPL-FW65 repair service centers below.