Sony(索尼) VPL-FHZ131LW 上市:2020年 ・ 流明:13000 ・ 分辨率:1920x1200 (WUXGA) 京东查看价格 来自索尼- 在会议厅,演讲厅,画廊,博物馆,旅游景点和其他大型空间吸引观众。 极高的光输出(13,000流明VPL-FHZ131L,10,000流明VPL-FHZ101L,9,000流明VPL-FHZ91L)确保大屏幕演示与额外的存在,即使在明亮的...
Sony VPL-FHZ131LW WUXGA (1920x1200), 27.0 kg, Please only write a review if you have personal experience using the Epson Home Cinema 4010 projector. Name Email You can use either your real name or an alias, as you wish, which will appear with your review. Your email address is ...