But it looks at least that "The VPI function 'vpi_register_cb' is not supported in the compiler."doesn'tmean thatvpi_register_cbis not supported at all, it's just not supported forcbStartOfSimulation(andcbEndOfSimulation). I had the same issue, forsometestcases. I later found that tes...
Include the header that defines the image histogram function. #include <vpi/algo/Histogram.h> Define the input image. VPIImageinput =/*...*/; Create the output array. VPIArrayoutput; vpiArrayCreate(numBins,VPI_ARRAY_TYPE_U32, 0, &output); ...
Not supported anymore VPI_TNR_V3 Version 3, offers quite good quality overall, specially in dark scenes. CUDA VIC and backends only supports this one. Definition at line97of fileTemporalNoiseReduction.h. Function Documentation VPIStatusvpiCreateTemporalNoiseReduction(uint64_tbackends, ...
Supported ports: [ ] Supported link modes: Not reported Supported pause frame use: No Supports auto-negotiation: No Supported FEC modes: Not reported Advertised link modes: Not reported Advertised pause frame use: No Advertised auto-negotiation: No Advertised FEC modes: Not reported Speed: 5000Mb...
Virtualization (SR-IOV) IOVCap: Migration-, Interrupt Message Number: 000 IOVCtl: Enable+ Migration- Interrupt- MSE+ ARIHierarchy+ IOVSta: Migration- Initial VFs: 8, Total VFs: 8, Number of VFs: 2, Function Dependency Link: 00 VF offset: 2, stride: 1, Device ID: 101e Supported Page...
— Waiting process means either frame or task/function handle.2) vpiMessage iterator shall return all the messages in a mailbox.3) vpiClassDefn returns the ClassDefn which was used to create the handle. vpiActualDefn returnsthe ClassDefn that handle object points to when the query is ...
Virtual Function is configured with DHCP IP address. It can also be assigned a static IP address. Mellanox Technologies 71 Figure 16: Virtual Function in the VM Rev 4.70 To achieve best performance on SR-IOV VF, please run the following powershell com- mands on the host: For 10Gbe: Set...
fc21.x86_64 (without KMP support) If you have an operating system different than RHEL or SLES, or you have installed a kernel that is not supported by default in MLNX_OFED, you can use the mlnx_add_kernel_support.sh script to build MLNX_OFED for your kernel. The script will ...
Lhs vs Rhs expression padding is not performed at this point (We welcome PR contributions) UHDM offers an optional Elaboration step that uniquifies nets, ports, variables and function by performing a deep cloning and ref_obj binding. See full_elab_test.cpp and uhdm-dump.cpp Applications wh...
NOTE: this issue may be dis- puted by the vendor; the existence of the g_str_hash function is not a vulnerability in the library, because callers of g_hash_table_new and g_hash_table_new_full can specify an arbitrary hash function that is appropriate for the application. libxml2 ...