漂洋过海的KAWAI..楼主是说以前的琴接软音源力度出不来么?我用的KAWAI CL26也是接软音源力度不足,但是kontact里面有调力度的地方,我调完之后感觉还是不错的,不知楼主试过没有?
路边捡快递系列【第二..昨天回省城武汉有点事!事情忙完了就在回家的路上,突然,又一辆(为什么用又)面包车从我面前呼啸而过,一声巨响之后,我就被这个箱子逼到了一个黑暗的角落。 吓死宝宝了!
They are all on the old side, although still quite capable and competitive) so I would prefer to wait a little bit for a new model if paying this much. I am also considering getting a DGX 670 to hold me over if I wait for one of the next gen for the above models. It has...
Hello, New to this forum and hope someone can help. I work with Logic and Spitfire Audio with a Kawai VPC1. For some reason, the A2 key does not sound when I am working within this system. I ran my Kawai through Garage Band to check and the A2 does sound