VPC Endpoint (VPCEP) VPC Endpoint enables private, secure, and convenient access to Huawei Cloud services or your own private services.Buy Console Documentation High Security VPC endpoints provide private connectivity. No server details are exposed to the Internet. Excellent Performance VPC Endpoint...
在中控台选择“VPC”,点击进入VPC页面,在左边选择“Endpoint”,然后点击“Create endpoint” image-20220823153152579 添加一个S3 endpoint名称“S3endpoint”,Service category选择“AWS services”,搜索“s3”,然后选择“com.amazonaws.us-east-1.s3”(注意不同地区的名子会有不同) image-20220823153454058 然后再过滤出...
VPC Endpoint is a cloud service that provides secure and private channels to connect your VPCs to VPC endpoint services, including cloud services or your private services
2021年2月,AWS海外区域和中国区域同时推出了S3 VPC Endpoint Interface模式的支持,在此模式下可将S3的访问节点映射为一个VPC内的ENI入口,用户可在其他AWS区域的VPC内或者IDC内直接调用本地址即可访问到S3。此方式既不需要Public VIF又无须在VPC内部署S3代理,大大简化了架构设计。
CreateVpcEndpoint 接口属于异步接口,即系统会返回一个实例 ID,但该终端节点尚未创建完成,系统后台任务仍在进行中。您可以调用 GetVpcEndpointAttribute 查询终端节点的创建状态: 当终端节点处于 Creating 状态时,表示终端节点正在创建中。 当终端节点处于 Active 状态时,表示终端节点创建完成。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explo...
华为云帮助中心为你分享云计算行业信息,包含产品介绍、用户指南、开发指南、最佳实践和常见问题等文档,方便快速查找定位问题与能力成长,并提供相关资料和解决方案。本页面关键词:vpc endpoint。
我们在《AWS Lambda网络测试 下篇 VPC endpoint》一文中,测试了部署在Isolated subnet(无法访问internet)中的Lambda函数如何利用VPC endpoint访问S3 bucket。 其中的流量方向如下图所示 image-20220824162947131 说明:在Lambda函数中控台点击“Test”后,部署在Isolated subnet中的Lambda函数实例会通过S3 VPC endpoint(gateway)...
Endpoints: Endpoints are channels for connecting VPCs to VPC endpoint services. You can create an application on an ECS in your VPC and configure it as a VPC endpoint service. In the same region, you can create a VPC endpoint in another VPC and then use this endpoint to access the endpoin...
Endpoints: Endpoints are channels for connecting VPCs to VPC endpoint services. You can create an application on an ECS in your VPC and configure it as a VPC endpoint service. In the same region, you can create a VPC endpoint in another VPC and then use this endpoint to access the endpoin...
Create an interface VPC endpoint, which allows you to connect to services powered by AWS PrivateLink, including many AWS services. Full classification: Deployment | Advanced stack components | VPC endpoint (interface) | Create Change Type Details Change type ID ct-3oafsdbzjtuqp ...