The AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink resource creates a VPC link. Supported only for HTTP APIs. The VPC link status must transition from PENDING to AVAILABLE to successfully create a VPC link, which can take up to 10 minutes. To learn more, see Working with VPC Links for HTTP APIs in the AP...
aws apigatewayv2 delete-vpc-link --vpc-link-id abcd123 Verfügbarkeit nach Region VPC-Links für HTTP APIs werden in den folgenden Regionen und Availability Zones unterstützt: Name der RegionRegionUnterstützte Availability Zones USA Ost (Ohio) us-east-2 use2-az1, use2-az2, use2-az...
you these link1, link2, link3, link4 and link5 that has the same error with different scenario that concentrated on resolving this on firewall. To diagnosethis concern, we need to use some of the tools to check what might be causing this issue. From yourfirewall, double...
linkmgr: SGSN/BSS SS7 Link Manager logging facility (2.5G only) llc: Logical Link Control (LLC) Protocol logging facility; for SGSN: logs the LLC layer between the GMM and the BSSGP layers for logical links between the MS and the SGSN local-policy: Local Policy Service ...
return errors.Wrapf(err, "setupNS: unable to add or replace route entry for %s", route.Dst.IP.String()) } // 使用"ip rule"命令添加to-pod策略路由 512: from all to lookup main err = addContainerRule(netLink, true, addr, mainRouteTable) ...
Traffic between subnets in the same VPC but on different AWS Outposts cannot hairpin through the region because the traffic is blocked by the <a href="">service link</a> (Figure 2 shows the traffic flow). It ...
from the Pod and additional routes are created on each side to direct traffic between the node IP and the Pod IP over the link. For traffic sent over the interface, the Linux kernel borrows the IP address from the IPvlan interface for the Pod side and the boot ENI interface for the Kub...
systemd-udev- Linux distributions that install thesystemd-udevpackage create/usr/lib/systemd/network/99-default.linkwithLink.MACAddressPolicyset topersistent. This policy may cause the MAC address assigned to the host veth interface for a pod to change after the interface is moved to the host net...
Base OS images do not include the CUDA software stack. Below, we describe a step-by-step process to manually configure the GPU drivers on the GPU VSI, assuming the default CentOS 8 is chosen as the base image for the VSI. Alternatively, thislink providesthe Ansible script to configure the...
Thank you for the reply In our installation we are running in an Active/Standby none back to back VPC link between P1-5KA -- P2-5KA and P1-5KB -- P2-5KB Just using spanning tree. Same results here when removing the IP address from P2 side, all pings succeed....