policy_document Object Specifies the IAM 5.0 policies. Array Length: 0 - 20480 endpoint_pool_id String (To be discarded) Specifies the ID of the cluster associated with the VPC endpoint. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 64 public_border_group String Specifies the information about the public border group ...
端點政策是您可以連接到介面 VPC 端點的 IAM 資源。預設端點政策可讓您透過界面 VPC 端點完整存取 Amazon WorkSpaces 安全瀏覽器 APIs。若要控制從您的 VPC 授予 Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser 的存取權,請將自訂端點政策連接至介面 VPC 端點。
查询终端节点的详细信息。请参见如何调用API。GET /v1/{project_id}/vpc-endpoints/{vpc_endpoint_id}状态码: 200查询终端节点详情状态码: 200服务器已成功处理了请求SDK代码示例如下。更多编程语言的SDK代码示例,请参见API Explorer的代码示例页签,可生成自动对应的SDK
5. At the bottom of the screen, create a new security group that allows TCP port 80 in and apply it to the endpoint. 6. Click Create endpoint. 7. Go back to Endpoint Services in the Amazon VPC console, and select the endpoint you created. On the Endpoint Connections tab, you should ...
访问域名(Endpoint) 存储类型 存储空间(Bucket) 对象/文件(Object) 权限控制 OSS鉴权详解 阻止公共访问 设置Bucket ACL 设置Object ACL Bucket Policy Bucket Policy常见示例 教程示例:通过VPC Policy与Bucket Policy控制数据访问安全 教程示例:通过Bucket Policy限制公网访问OSS 教程示例:基于Bucket Policy实现跨部门数...
針對VPC in the region (區域中的 VPC),選擇您在建立 VPC 端點時使用的同一個 VPC。 設定Security group for this endpoint (此端點的安全群組),以允許內部部署網路的傳入流量。 針對IP 地址,選擇 Use an IP address that is selected automatically (使用自動選取的 IP 地址)。 選擇Submit (提交) 來建立您...
An endpoint service provider can create an application in a VPC and configure it as an endpoint service. Other users can use endpoints to create connections between their VPCs and the endpoint service of the service provider.1.3 Application Scenarios ...
services. You can create an application on a cloud server in your VPC and configure it as a VPC endpoint service. In the same region, you can create a VPC endpoint in another VPC and then use this endpoint to access the endpoint service.Issue...
Before you delete an endpoint service, you must disconnect the endpoint from the endpoint service and remove the service resources. DeleteVpcEndpointService is an asynchronous operation. After you send a request, the system returns a request ID and runs the task in the background. You can call...
Multiple AWS services integrate with AWS PrivateLink , which supportsendpoint policieson the VPC endpoints. An endpoint policy is a resource-based policy that you attach to a VPC endpoint to control which AWS principals can use the endpoint to access an AWS service. You can...