VSC Technologies 是法國國家鐵路公司 (SNCF)的子公司,以 SNCF 線上旅行社Voyages-sncf.com負責處理長途和高速乘客服務。VSC 總部在巴黎附近,雇用超過 170 名員工,它為客戶的鐵路配電需求提供完整的技術解決方案和服務,同時託管鐵路訂位的關鍵應用程式。 挑戰 2009 年,Voyages-sncf.com 經手的業務量價值 24 億歐元...
Voyages-Sncf,是法国铁路公司(SNCF)旗下欧洲线路火车票的线上销售平台,主要销售法国境内和欧洲火车票。 除了法国外,Voyages-Sncf下面还有在8个国家的分支网站,分别是英国、德国、西班牙、意大利、比利时、瑞典、荷兰和卢森堡。网站销售的火车票包括在法国境内的(TGV、iDTGV、Intercités等等)以及国际火车线路包括Thalys、Eu...
www.sncf-connect.com is the official French Railways website which sells tickets for train journeys in France and for international journeys to or from France, at the official SNCF price with no booking fees & a range of seating options. SNCF's website used to be www.voyages-sncf.com, ...
Voyages-Sncf.com Think, Other time, Later Agency:DDB Description Advertising Agency: DDB Paris, France This professional campaign titled 'Think, Other time, Later' was published in France in November, 2009. It was created for the brand: Voyages-Sncf.com, by ad agency: DDB. This Print medium...
On Monday, 30th of August Voyages-SNCF, the online booking service of the SNCF, launched a series of six internet films which show how we welcomed and said goodbye to 6 customers. Each event, taking place at Paris' East station was specifically tailored for the person we surprised. The obj...
voyages-sncf.com 海报/平面 St Gapour (French) voyages-sncf.com 同广告公司 查看全部1w+个 短视频 Marc Dorcel Sextoys: Open Dorcel Marc Dorcel 海报/平面 大众汽车创意平面广告:意外,一次就够了! 大众 图文 GirlHub: Aisha & Amina, Amina GirlHub 关键词 France DDB Transport Tourism Print ...
Voyages-sncf 订票出现问题。至今没收到车票现在订票说可以免费邮寄7天后收到。7.29预定的至今没收到。昨天发邮件给官网。官网回复不负责发票不负责跟踪。我来回答 分享 发票 订票 免费 3条回答 网友 半年前 来自穷游 现在预定的时候都写Your tickets will be sent free of charge to the postal address ...
法铁主页上有paris到nice 17欧的特价,怎么点进去就是普通的查询网页http://www.voyages-sncf.com/billet-train法铁的法语首页上有paris到nice 17欧的特价,点进去,就是普通的查询网页,查出来的都是好几十欧的正常价格,压根看不到17欧的影子。我在对应的英语主页上也是一样的情况。大家常说的法铁特价票都是怎...