塔拉的迷失灵魂:5.5 亿年前,图兰纽萨穆在 HU-2 塔拉上制造了一场大灾难,塔拉 格栅的一部分碎裂、经由第八昴宿星的星核进入了 HU-1,形成了 12 颗行星、构成为了 地球的太阳系。 许多塔拉的不朽灵魂随着塔拉丢失的部分也被碎裂并进入 HU-1;他们 成了所说的“塔拉的迷失灵魂”或堕落天使。塔拉的帕莱多和乌尔-...
塔拉的迷失灵魂:5.5 亿年前,图兰纽萨穆在 HU-2 塔拉上制造了一场大灾难,塔拉 格栅的一部分碎裂、经由第八昴宿星的星核进入了 HU-1,形成了 12 颗行星、构成为了 地球的太阳系。 许多塔拉的不朽灵魂随着塔拉丢失的部分也被碎裂并进入 HU-1;他们 成了所说的“塔拉的迷失灵魂”或堕落天使。塔拉的帕莱多和乌尔-...
W., 1978, Direct measurements of the polarization of terrestrial kilometric radiation from Voyagers 1 and 2, Geophys, Res. Lett ., 5: 857.Kaiser, M. L., J. K. Alexander, A. C. Riddle, and J. W. Warwick, Direct measurements by Voyagers 1 and 2 of the polarization of terrestrial ...
Rivers of the Southeastern United States traverse a wide coastal plain where they are characterized by broad floodplains and expansive estuaries. Because of ample rainfall and the flat terrain, these rivers were historically subject to large, frequent floods, particularly in the spring or associated ...
F. N. F. Ness , Merged interaction regions observed by Voyagers 1 and 2 during 1998 , J. Geophys. Res. , 105 , 5141 – 5148 , 2000Burlaga, L. F.; Ness, N. F. (2000), Merged interaction regions observed by Voyagers 1 and 2 during 1998, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume ...
Voyagers 1-Page 41 About the Author Ashayana Deane Ekr.MC (formerly published as "Anna Hayes") is host of the Life Empowerment Workshop Series, founder of the Kathara Healing Institute and the Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek Cloister, Sarasota FL. Ashayana is author of the Voyagers,...
Voyagers 1-Page 16 Quantum physics theory presents new possibilities for validating the existence of parallel, interdimensional and inter-time worlds, but our scientific understanding of such realities is in its infancy. The facts are: Otherworlds, supporting advanced civilizations,...
英文原版 幼儿绘本阅读 Never Touch a Monster 0-3岁 英语启蒙 儿童摸摸纸板书绘本 永远不要去触摸一只怪物!亲子系列 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Li4uLiN4WH2VfDR/wU7EfTpwRHDHcw93+XjndLVyHE/eexV1yHHJ]
Till now there has been no way to decide between the two possibilities although the backscattered UV data base obtained from the Pioneer 10 and Voyagers 1 and 2 missions in principle contain the required information. The principal difficulty in interpreting the UV data has been the lack of self...
1. 六个沉默的扬升阿凡达 446页 2. 三条时间轨道 447页 近代历史和当前事件 一览表 1748 年~1998 年 6 月 26 日 1748:来自泽塔人未来频率围栏的基因突变泽塔封印通过阿曼提球体污染地球。 1902:守护者在一些人身上安排星光体重整,以释放种族的泽塔封印突变。