Academy’s new 1:35 Ontos has not escaped Voyager’s attention either, with the choice of a single M40A1 106mm barrel in turned metal with photo-etched details, or a full compliment of six. New detail sets are also available for the Dragon Panzer III / StuG.III Ausf. F8 and Hobby Bo...
Simply put, simply building any of the Dragons series of King Tiger variants “out of the box” can produce a very nice model indeed, but our friends at Voyager models have produced a couple of pretty comprehensive etch detail sets for both Henschel and Porsche Turret versions of the King T...
The Voyager 1 (V1), Voyager 2 (V2), and Pioneer 10 (P10) Lyα data sets are three of several diagnostic data sets available for the study of the very local interstellar medium (VLISM). Selected V1 data obtained on 1989 day 279 at heliocentric distance of 39.1 AU in the upstream dir...
–Voyager ABS models feature the latest, fastest version of Kawasaki’s sophisticated K-ACT system, which enables riders to execute controlled, balanced braking. Designed to complement the riders’ brake inputs, the system distributes the ideal amount of brake pressure to maximize braking efficiency...
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The Jovian internal field model obtained from the Voyager 1 data is very similar to the octupole Pioneer 11 models. The best fitting magnetodisc lies in the centrifugal equator, 2/3 of the way between the rotational and magnetic equators, as is appropriate for centrifugal loading of the ...
But the models let them forecast much, much farther into the future. Oberg presented their work at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic, on Jan. 12, where he spun a tale of the long future of the twin Voyagers and their Go...