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Stay up-to-date on Voyager Digital Ltd (VYGVQ) news with the latest updates, breaking headlines, news articles, and more from around the web at Nasdaq.com.
法官裁决濒临破产的 Voyager Digital 可以用 2.7 亿美元的银行托管资金来偿还其客户 陷入财务困境的加密货币平台 Voyager Digital 已获准向其客户退还价值 2.7 亿美元的资金。 据《华尔街日报》报导,此举得到了纽约破产法院的批准,而该法院正在审理该公司的案件。 首席法...
币安美国将通过价值10.22亿美元的交易收购破产的Voyager Digital的资产。Voyager周一在声明中称,在评估选项后,选择币安美国为最高以及最佳竞购者。该声明表示,此举“为尽快解锁Voyager的客户资金开辟了一条明确的前进路径”,该公司将致力于以同样方式将加密货币返还给客户。该交易对Voyager的加密资产组合的估值略高于10亿...
Voyager will be seeking an array of adult and young adult speculative fiction for digital publication, but particularly novels written in the epic fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy, horror, dystopia and supernatural genres. Submission guidelines and key information can be found at www.harpervoy...
Market News Voyager Digital Suspends Withdrawals; Shares Fall Over 30% Vince Condarcuri A+ A- Story Highlights Voyager Digital announced that it suspended deposits, trading, withdrawals, and loyalty rewards. The company claims that the pause will help it recover the money owed by Three Arrows ...
This plan involves Voyager selling its digital assets to theUS branch of Binance. In a court filing onApril 19th in a New York District Court, Voyager, the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, and the US government agreed to move forward with the deal, while the govern...
据彭博社报道,前FTX首席执行官Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF)拒绝在Voyager Digital破产案中作证。SBF的律师Marc R. Lewis周二已要求法院拒绝Voyager无担保债权人的律师发出传票。 该律师辩称,传票应该被撤销,因为它没有正确送达,是不合理的,而且可能需要SBF援引宪法第五修正案的权利,以避免自证其罪。文件显示,传票已送达SBF...
知情人士透露,币安和FTX对收购Voyager Digital感兴趣。其中一位人士表示,Coinbase评估了交易,但退出了。Voyager资产的投标将于9月6日进行。 如果需要挑选获胜者,将于9月29日举行拍卖。根据该公司律师本月早些时候的介绍,至少有22名投资者完成了尽职调查,并表示有兴趣投标Voyager的资产,因此币安、FTX和Coinbase可能不是...
"Today, as both Voyagers explore interstellar space, they are providing humanity with observations of uncharted territory," said Linda Spilker, Voyager's deputy project scientist at JPL in the same NASA statement. "This is the first time we've been able to directly study how a star, our Sun...