PANews 2月20日消息,Web3知识图谱协议0xscope发推表示,经过6个月的休眠,疑似Voyager地址开始向交易所存入大量代币。2023年2月1日以来,这些地址向币安和Coinbase存入了价值4430美元的ETH、1750万美元的SHIB、283万美元的VGX以及155万美元的LINK,共计6618万美元。Voyager目前仍持有约3.21亿美元的加密货币。
除了與FTX達成的協議外,Voyager還從與三箭資本的持續進行的訴訟中獲得了約6.75億美元的索賠。其中,2043萬美元代表Voyager從Three Arrows Capital首次分配中獲得的按比例分配份額。管理人預計,隨著資產的出售和進一步訴訟和解的達成,未來幾年還將發放更多款項。透過D&O保險調解達成的和解也將分配至少1435萬美元,讓Voyager的...
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Movies: Before "Hollywood," Jacksonville was the WinterFilmCapital of the World. Explore this fascinating history, then catch a movie atSun-Rays Cinema(1028 Park St; in the Five Points section of Riverside. Sadly, the historic San Marco Theatre just closed after 84 years...
香港--(美國商業資訊)--房地產投資、資產和物業管理業領先的軟體解決方案開發商Yardi Systems今日高興地宣佈,Sniper Capital已選擇Yardi Voyager™作為其房地產資產和物業管理的平臺。 Sniper Capital成立於2004年,旨在利用澳門蓬勃發展的經濟所帶來的諸多地產開發和投資機會。自成立以來,該公司的業務成長顯著。如今,公司...
The Ping An Global Voyager Fund, Ping An's$1Bnglobal corporate venture capital fund, was launched inMay 2017with a mandate to invest in fintech and healthtech businesses to accelerate Ping An's technology transformation. In recent years, Ping An has been building up its expertise in the fin...
雪梨--(美國商業資訊)--房地產投資、資產和物業管理業領先的軟體解決方案開發商Yardi Systems今日高興地宣佈,Fife Capital已選擇Yardi Voyager™作為其房地產資產和物業管理的平臺。 Fife Capital成立於2006年,是澳洲房地產投資
Malaysia's administrative capital and Mesra Mall located in Terengganu, on Malaysia's East Coast known for its picturesque islands and scenic beaches. With a combined area of more than 2 million square feet and over 550 specialty outlets, the three malls cater to the most diverse and discerning...
Singapore-based Perennial (Singapore) Retail Management Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of Perennial Real Estate Holdings, is a real estate development, investment, property management and capital management company that focuses on predominantly retail mixed-use developments in Singapore and China, its core mar...