Related: After 45 years, the 5-billion-year legacy of the Voyager 2 interstellar probe is just beginning The Voyagers are both powered by nuclear energy, as the sun's rays are too weak for solar power so far out in deep space. The radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG) they use ...
voyager space probe 读音:美英 voyager space probe基本解释 航海家太空探测船 分词解释 voyager航行者,航海者 space空间,太空 probe[医](对伤处等的)针探,探查
NASA'sVoyager 2spacecraft launched way back in 1977 when bell bottoms and disco were in style. All these decades later, the probe appears to be nearing a massive milestone: an entry into interstellar space. Voyager 2 has been traveling through the heliosheath, the outermost layer of the helio...
Launch the Voyager space probe on a Grand Tour of the Solar System! In Voyager 2, it's your mission to launch the Voyager space probes on a Grand Tour of the Solar System. Plot your trajectory to pass as close to your objective as possible (without crashing into it!) to achieve the ...
NASA’s Voyager 2 probe, currently on a journey toward interstellar space, has detected an increase in cosmic rays that originate outside our solar system. Launched in 1977, Voyager 2 is a little less than 11 billion miles (about 17.7 billion kilometers) from Earth, or more than 118 times...
Voyager 2, a space probe that receives routine commands and transmits data back to the Deep Space Network, launched before Voyager 1. AlthoughVoyager 1left Earth two weeks after its identical sister craft, it wouldreach Jupiterand Saturn sooner, as Voyager 2 had been launched into a longer, ...
“good health".Voyager 2 is one of a pair of spacecraft that were launched in 1977 to take images of Jupiter and Saturn but continued on a journey into interstellar(星际的) space to become the farthest human-made objects from the Earth.The twin probes were launched within a couple of ...
this research is to see the line 2 of the model about a kind of identity, astronomical organization in space exploration ship. the development of astronomy in the first application, it will look up the model, the motion direction in the exploration of the research, the value of the ...
An artist's depiction of NASA's Voyager 2 probe on its long journey out of the solar system. (Image credit: NASA) It's a difficult transition to predict, since Voyager 2 is only the second spacecraft to cross that bubble with its instruments alert and communicative. Voyager 1 made the ...
旅行者号宇宙飞船Voyager spacecraft的残骸最终被地震Landquake(BW)发现,他从残骸中打捞出了金盘Golden Disk(Voyager)并将其带到了赛博坦Cybertron(planet) 注释Notes: 现实生活中的旅行者号探测器Voyager probe于1977年发射,比变形金刚Transformers复兴的传统日期早了七年。威震天Megatron(BW)关于旅行者号探测器Voyager pr...