Launched in 1977, the Voyager 1 spacecraft has flown past Jupiter (1980) and Saturn (1981). Now, some ninety times farther from the Sun than Earth is, Voyager 1 seems to have reached interstellar space. Between August 1, 2002,...
For NASA, it's official: Voyager 1 has entered interstellar space. But given the many false alarms over the years, what makes scientists so confident now? This time, researchers have used several clues about plasma changes around Voyager 1 to determine that it entered interstellar space around ...
This space wallpaper is an artist's concept depicting NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft entering interstellar space, or the space between stars. Interstellar space is dominated by the plasma, or ionized gas, that was ejected by the death of nearby giant stars millions of years ago. The environment...
专辑的第一张单曲《1977》(诞生时间)到最后的《interstellar space 》(星际空间),讲述了“旅行者一...
Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 and its twin spacecraft Voyager 2 are NASA’s longest-operating mission. They are theonly probes to ever explore interstellar space, or the vast area between stars. The spacecraft were initially launched to study Jupiter and Saturn, and they were...
顾名思义,这套限量是为了纪念NASA在1977年发射的无人外太空探测器,也是距离人类最远速度最快的人造飞行棋——Voyager 1(旅行者一号)。一共有四个颜色,分别为Golden Record(金色唱片)、Jupiter Flyby(飞跃木星)、Pale Blue Dot(暗淡蓝点)以及Interstellar Space(星际空间),都是对应了旅行者一号的大事件。
Now, a physicist and a flutist (长笛手) have transformed such wavetorm data of interstellar space into music fit more for a classical concert."(自从美国宇航局的“旅行者 1号”航天器成为第一个进入星际空间的人造物体以来,科学家们已经研究了它从数十亿英 里外发回地球的数十年的数据,深入了解我们...
The article discusses the interstellar space journey of the Voyager 1 spacecraft of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in August 2012. It says that the Voyager 1 is now over 125 astronomical units...
结果1 题目 SinceNASA'sVoyagerISpacecraftbecamethefirsthumanmadeobjecttocrossintointerstellar(星际的)space,scientistshavestudieddecadesofitsdatasentbacktoEarthfrombillionsofmilesawaygaininginsightintothemysteriesofouruniverse.Now,aphysicistandaflutist(长笛手)havetransformedsuchwaveformdataofinterstellarspaceintomusic...
Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, are the only human-made craftto fly into interstellar space. Originally designedto last for five years, both spacecraft have continued to send collected information back to Earth for more than 46 years — until five months ago. ...