网络基于像素的形态测量学;像素形态分析方法;以像素形态分析方法 网络释义 1. 基于像素的形态测量学 很多使用基于像素的形态测量学(voxel-based morphometry)方法的研究发现精神分裂症病人的白质出现缺损,但是还没有人对 …|基于15个网页 2. ...
Voxel-based morphometry is an automated technique for MRI analyses, developed to study differences in brain morphology and frequently used to study patients with diverse disorders. In epilepsy, it has been used to investigate areas with reduction or increase of gray and white matter, in different ...
2. VBM结果。对于FSL-VBM,精神分裂患者在frontal, temporal, parietal 以及cingulate cortices等广泛的脑区表现出GM 的降低,具体如图2和图3所示。图2精神分裂患者显著表现出GM显著降低的脑区 图3精神分裂患者显著表现出GM显著降低的脑区 然而,对于SPM-VBM分析,没有发现精神分裂患者GM显著降低的脑区。但是,FSL-...
voxel-based morphometry基于体素的形态学分析的意思
Voxel-Based Morphometry—The MethodsJohn Ashburner and Karl J. FristonThe Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, United KingdomReceived October 22, 1999At its simplest, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) in-volves a voxel-wise comparison of...
近期,有研究者在《Brain Imaging and Behavior》杂志上发表研究论文,对精神分裂患者Voxel-based morphometry (VBM)结果的不一致性是否是由于所用工具包不同而导致的这个问题进行了研究。笔者在这里对这篇文章进行简单解读,希望大家对不同的工具包对VBM计算结果的影响有一定的认识。
近期,有研究者在《Brain Imaging and Behavior》杂志上发表研究论文,对精神分裂患者Voxel-based morphometry (VBM)结果的不一致性是否是由于所用工具包不同而导致的这个问题进行了研究。笔者在这里对这篇文章进行简单解读,希望大家对不同的工具包对VBM计算结果的影响有一定的认识。
Voxel-based morphometry Floris de Lange, INSERM U562 Paris, France florisdelange@gmail Phrenology – the principles 1. The brain is the organ of the mind. 2. The mind is composed of multiple distinct, innate faculties. 3. Because they are distinct, each faculty must have a separate seat or...
1.Voxel-Based Morphometry Voxel-based morphometryis a new approach of looking at structuralbrain abnormalitiesusing MRI. It is a data-led technique in which the brain images are normalized and then differences between groups anywhere in brain are identified (Wrightet al., 1995).Andreasenet al.(...
Voxel-based morphometry