Angel in Disguise(1940) (uncredited)Music by Paul Mann and Stefan WeißLyrics by Kim GannonPlayed during the opening credits and as background musicPlayed on piano by Jeffrey Lynn and sung by Ann SheridanReprised by the band at the Roaring 90s Club and sung by Ann Sheridan and chorus of...
Lyrics by:Anonymous Composed by:Alain Claes Je vous salue Marie pleine de grâce Le Seigneur est avec vous Vous êtes bénie entre tous les femmes Et Jésus le fruit de vos entrailles est béni Sainte Marie mère de Dieu Priez pour nous pauvres pécheurs ...
Perhaps Murielle would have found solidarity with Hardy’slyricsrather than ex-perience the feelingsofabjection brought about by listeningtoClerc’s“Femmes,je vous aime.”Moreover,ofthe sympathythatMurielle’ssuffering–includingthat on dis-playinthe“Femmes jevous aime”sequence–elicits in the film...
Les femmes qu'on aime Frank Michael Drum Backing Track $1.99 On demande pas la lune Les Enfoirés Drum Backing Track $1.99 Music Rights are covered by collection societies and publishers. The images are for illustrative purposes only and are not contractual. All musical material is re-recorded ...
The English subtitles, when they are not white on white, have poor grammar and spelling, including inconsistency of a character's name.The repeating amusing sounding pop tunes on the soundtrack seem to have some significance, but the lyrics are not translated. Utile•14 1 ...
Les femmes qu'on aime Frank Michael Bass Backing Track $1.99 On demande pas la lune Les Enfoirés Bass Backing Track $1.99 Music Rights are covered by collection societies and publishers. The images are for illustrative purposes only and are not contractual. All musical material is re-recorded ...