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The vouchers, which can be purchased from 84 outlets such as shops, libraries and garages in the immediate area, have "scratch" panels that can be rubbed off to indicate date, day and time when parked. Vehicle removal has been contracted out to avoid involving the police in extra duties....
HMV's woes follow hot on the heels of photography chain Jessopsclosing for good just a few days ago, with 1,370 jobs lost. Last year Comet was slowly powered down, in a long process that saw shopsclosing doors for the last time on 18 December. With HMV still doing business, you've ...
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Or, suddenly, there were no more bodegas, bagel shops, pizzerias? A New York icon, as thoroughly ingrained into city life as any of those, has almost vanished before our eyes this year. The taxi has been Raptured. Two-thirds of our ...
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HealthyStart-brandedvitamins.Foodvoucherscanbeusedinneighbourhoodshopstobuyfresh cow’smilk,infantformulamilk,andplainfruitandvegetables(freshorfrozen).Eachvoucherisworth £3.10,andfamiliesreceivetwovoucherseachweekforbabieslessthan1yearold,andonevoucher ...
Address: G/F, Lap Fai Building, 6 Pottinger Street, Central Please refer to the following link for assistance:map How To Get There: 3 min walk from Hong Kong station C exit. Please check the map for assistance Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday: 10:00-20:00 ...