Folgende Dateien sollten im Abstimmungsverzeichnis vorhanden sein (notwendig ist nur usevote.cfg, darin können alle anderen Pfade angepasst werden): ballot.sample bdsgtext.cfg mailpatterns.cfg messages.cfg scheinkennungen usevote.cfg usevote.rul Ggf. sollte das "templates"-Verzeichnis kopiert ...
This website also allows you to check your voter registration status, view a sample ballot, and find absentee ballot drop boxes. If you voted absentee, be sure to drop off your ballot at one of these boxes or your clerk's office. Related: What you're voting for in the A...
A summary .json file containing additional information which can be used by external tools for visualizing contest results A detailed audit .log file describing how every ballot was counted in each round over the course of the tabulation
“It is like 50 Shades of Grey. But written by Jamie McGuire, which SOMEHOW makes it so much worse. So so much worse. If an editor had a nervous breakdown while working on this book, I would understand. Also it would explain a lot.” ...