Florida's recent hurricanes could make it difficult forvotersin affected areas to cast theirballotsin the upcoming election unless Gov. Ron DeSantis waives and modifies some rules, county election supervisors said in a letter to state officials. In a six-page letter sent Tuesday by the ...
Residents of Tampa Bay looking to avoid potentially long lines at their polling places can take part in early voting,which will be open beginning Oct. 21. Check with your county elections office for locations near you. Hillsborough Countyearly voting opensOct. 21, and ...
TAMPA, Fla.-Early voting ended today in a few counties across the Bay Area, but residents in some counties have one last chance to cast a ballot in person beforeElection Day. Hundreds ofHillsborough Countyclerks pulled up to the Robert Gilder Elections Service Center on Saturday morning to col...
Of these, all but Charlotte and Pasco counties used op-scan. Charlotte and Pasco had predictable results, in line with voter registration and with voter turnout, with some crossover (Dem for Charlotte, Repub for Pasco). I wrote on this material at the time. A similar analysiscan be found...