Candidates are crisscrossing the country in a quest for the votes that will put their name on the presidential ballot in November. Capitalize on this "teachable moment" with five lessons that teach about the process and engage students in learning about it. Primary and caucus calendar Getting to...
A computer ballot allows secrecy and responsive interaction. Voting also could be done with stickers on a wall, numbers on paper, or icons on a computer screen. (PoliticalSim has graphic ballots for some other rules but not yet for H-Z.) The table is the best way to let people gather...
Folgende Dateien sollten im Abstimmungsverzeichnis vorhanden sein (notwendig ist nur usevote.cfg, darin können alle anderen Pfade angepasst werden): ballot.sample bdsgtext.cfg mailpatterns.cfg messages.cfg scheinkennungen usevote.cfg usevote.rul Ggf. sollte das "templates"-Verzeichnis kopiert ...
ability for online voting. Using StrataVote has meant that we almost never have to chase up owners to vote so that a meeting is held, as we usually have the first votes back within hours of sending the notice. It has also increased the valid votes being received for a secret ballot. ...
moves efficiently from screen to screen, back and forward through a sequence. Templates can be developed, and some part of the display software can be data-driven, effectively writing itself; but each ballot and each ATM type needs to be tested and verified, and some customization will almost...
moves efficiently from screen to screen, back and forward through a sequence. Templates can be developed, and some part of the display software can be data-driven, effectively writing itself; but each ballot and each ATM type needs to be tested and verified, and some customization will almost...
It’s worth noting that the early-voting locations are considerably less numerous than the election-day locations, and that any voter can vote at any early-voting place in the county. This means that each polling place has ballot templates for all of the county’s precincts; when a voter ...
ability for online voting. Using StrataVote has meant that we almost never have to chase up owners to vote so that a meeting is held, as we usually have the first votes back within hours of sending the notice. It has also increased the valid votes being received for a secret ballot. ...
moves efficiently from screen to screen, back and forward through a sequence. Templates can be developed, and some part of the display software can be data-driven, effectively writing itself; but each ballot and each ATM type needs to be tested and verified, and some customization will almost...