Expatriates as voters? The new dynamics of external voting in Sub-Saharan Africaexternal votingexpatriatesdiasporaSub-Saharan AfricanationalismelectionsdemocratizationmigrationremittancesExpatriate voting has gained in importance over the last decade in Sub-Saharan Africa. This article gives an empirical overview...
Both countries have experienced similar process in establishing political rights of non-resident nationals: petitions from expatriate organizations, lawsuits and court decisions to revise voting rights limited in national territory, and revision of election law for expatriate votes in homeland. However, ...
Expatriate voting has gained in importance over the last decade in Sub-Saharan Africa. This article gives an empirical overview of existing regulations in all independent states of the continent and examines some explanatory approaches in the African context. One approach claims that expatriate ...
The assumption that citizenship implies a right to vote is rejected as meeting neither liberal nor communitarian understandings. Ultimately, the article argues against an unduly wide expatriate franchise for non-emigrant societies, and notes the paradox that, as countries like Australia globalise, ...
Hostilities between ruling Communist parties and expatriate groups as well as different attitudes toward globalization and individualism may also explain this rift.doi:10.1057/s41295-020-00225-2Anca TurcuR. UrbatschComparative European Politics