Both the House and Senate passed the measure by margins large enough to override a presidential veto. Trump has vetoed eight other bills, but those were all sustained because supporters did not gain the two-thirds vote needed in each chamber for the bills to become law without Trump’s signat...
Thirteen House Republicans joined them — fewer than Democrats would need to overcome a potential presidential veto. The measure would terminate the action Trump took to secure billions of dollars to build his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Democratic leaders in the House have called ...
Trump has vowed a veto - an act he has not yet taken as president. But enough Republicans in Congress are expected to block any veto override attempt. A two-thirds vote of the House and Senate are needed overturn a presidential veto. The Senate voted 59-41 to end the emergency. Reuters...
DFLers send first big public-works spending bill of the session to Pawlenty; They put up all the votes needed to pass the $334 million bill for college campuses and transit, but not enough to override an expected governor's veto.(NEWS) ...
The measure heads next to Trump's desk, having previously passed the House. However, Trump plans to veto, and it's unlikely the House and Senate could muster the required two-thirds majority to override. Trump originally issued the emergency declaration last month after Congress grante...
“The Senate has already basically decided to disregard Bush,” said one GOP Senate aide. But in joining Democrats in voting to override Bush’s veto of the Farm Bill and to approve Virginia Democratic Sen. Jim Webb’s expansive new GI Bill, a substantial number of Senate Republicans also ...
But he's also trying to avoid a shutdown fight that GOP leaders worry would damage the party with voters and that they say they cannot win, because they lack the votes to prevail in the Senate or override Obama vetoes. As a result, party leaders want to avoid entwining the GOP effort...
Trump has vowed a veto - an act he has not yet taken as president. But enough Republicans in Congress are expected to block any veto override attempt. A two-thirds vote of the House and Senate are needed overturn a presidential veto. ...