Future research might also compare experiences in states with and without partisanship items on the registration form to explore whether asking for partisan affiliation during the voter registration process is a barrier to registration, particularly for those registering to vote for the first time. Anoth...
Acceptable documents include a current utility bill, current bank statement (within 90 days of the election), Indian census card, a property tax statement, or current Arizona vehicle registration. Learn more. Arkansas You must show a photo ID when you vote. Acceptable photo IDs include: Arkansas...
Ineligible voters are regularly removed from state voter rolls The federal government has required states to regularly maintainvoter rollssince the passage of the National Voter Registration Act in 1993. This maintenance process removes ineligible voters, often those who have died or moved. ...
The total treatment effect was significantly higher among recipients in these counties than the rest of the state but withno noticeable difference between two rhetorical messages. Statewide, the overall results show that the postcard describing the voter registration experience as "fast and easy" was...
beat Hillary Clinton. Eight years later, the Keystone State was again key to his victory. This time it’s less of a surprise (but just as much of a gut punch) that the ultimate swing state would once again likely toss the election to a man who should...
Washington will become the first state in America to allow voter registration through an app on the social networking site Facebook, according to a report. According to state officials, the app, which could be available next week, was a 'natural way' to sign up voters. They said the Face...
Washington Postanalysisof the conservative Heritage Foundation's data found that of 2 billion votes cast since 1979, there were only 85 cases involving allegations of non-citizen voting. Astudyof Arizona voter rolls found 1,934 voters in Arizona were non-citizens — 0.04% of the state's ...
The GOP barely won the Georgia statehouse despite their campaign of suppressing 1.4 million votes. Jacqueline Luqman talks to Anoa Changa about how a new round of voter registration purges is a continuation of the same campaign.
South Carolina’s law requires voters to show a driver’s license or other photo identification issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, or a passport, military photo identification or a voter registration card with a photo. The other judges in the case were Colleen Kollar-Kotelly an...
“After the verification process has been completed, the State notifies the County that the person’s eligibility has been confirmed,” she said via email. “Finally, the County issues a voter registration card to the elector.” MOST READ ...