on Ohio Issue 1]]>Ohio voters can step up to the plate and hit an economic grand slam. A "yes" vote for Issue 1...By JamesIan A. S
Ohio has gone "deep red" over the past two decades and, as a consequence, the Buckeye State is the target of an attempt by the hard left to use its dark money machine to gerrymander to permanently favor the blue jerseys. They are doing it via Ohio state ballot Issue 1. Every serious...
Show them we are paying attention and that our democracy is not for sale. Protect“One Person, One Vote.”Vote No on Issue 1 this August. John Dyce, President Ohio Association of Letter Carriers-NALC. Hanoverton
to speak at the rally to urge a "yes" vote on a ballot question in Ohio, known as Issue 1. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings) Tuesday's vote in Ohio may be another warning sign for Republicans that the issue of abortion may hinder their chances of victory in the 2024 elections. CLICK HERE ...
To the editor: The vote on Nov. 7 is one we must be informed about. Please read what this vote proposes. If enacted Issue One will make abortion legal up to th
Ohio to Vote on Drug Treatment Issue
raisingyour hand etcIn 1918 British women got the right to vote.vote for/against/in favour ofI voted for the Labour candidate in the last election.53% of Danes voted in favour of the Maastricht treaty.vote onThe people of Ulster had finally been given a chance to vote on the issue.vote...
CHICAGO (AP) — Abortion wasn’t technically on the ballot in Ohio’s special election. But the overwhelming defeat of a measure that would have made it tougher to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution this fall was the latest indicator that...
It is a fraught, emotional issue and passions run high for the Tuesday vote -- partly because the decision may prove a bellwether of sentiment on the issue in national elections that are one year away.Some Ohio residents have been voting in advance for weeks but activists on both sides of...
Usha, Vance’s wife, also joined them on stage. The Ohio senator, who has served for less than a full term in the Senate, has been praised by Vance for going into “enemy camps” on certain news networks as his running mate. “He's a feisty guy, isn't he?” Trump has said. ...