Suits and ties and dresses remained the norm in workplaces in those decades, because it was the pre-Baby Boom generations who were making the rules. But by the 1980s and 1990s, those rebellious Baby Boomers had become the bosses and the business owners, and so THEY were the ones making ...
The Middle East is an incredible place, so vibrant — it’s just one of the really beautiful places with great people,” Trump told reporters during a news conference. He added: “I’ll be visiting a lot of different places in the Middle East. I’ve been invited everywhere, but I ...
I'd imagine that some of this arises as newcomers have maps with numbers but no names, so the areas where maybe this trend was strongest maybe were places where there was more immigration? (V) & (Z) answer:Numbers are easier, and so the general tendency is to go with them. However,...
German word is "Überhangsmadat." The infographics and discussion never seem to include this. This is the wrinkliest of wrinkles. It is, again, an aspect of the German system that should give us Americans pause. Again, we have plenty of issues, but let's be clear that other placesals...
If you had told me a month ago that 21% of Germans wereNationalsozialistischesympathizers, I would have said: "hmm, seems low." This 21% is most likely true for any country, including here in my home country. (It is also important to recognize that the bulk of support for the AfD ...
4 Places For Romantic & Unique Dining Experience This Valentine’s Day in Upstate New York SOLD! Lake George Fun Center Near Great Escape-What Will It Become? SOLD! Lake George Fun Center Near Great Escape-What Will It Become? Colleagues Mourn Tragedy at an Upstate New York Ski Resort Colle...
The FRIDAYsong... what a return of memories from 20+ years ago. I remember being woken up by thissongwhen I was a teenager. My dad used to listen to you dorks. When he was alive. Got me started too... have a great weekend.Please help us get this guy in the Hall of Fame. His...
This has happened even in places where Republican lawmakers have pushed back against Trump’s false claims and said the 2020 election was valid. The review by Republican lawmakers in Michigan that found no systemic fraud cited various claims they had investigated. For example, senators ...
Hopefully you all had a good Christmas and New Year. 2024 was an interesting year for us once again. I started off in January as usual out in Malta, not quite as busy as normal, still suffering from the lockdown, as a lot of holiday places are, but still the Brits over there look...